
All Frameworks Are Terrible Now

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Every Framework Sucks Now

As web development continues to evolve, new frameworks are constantly being introduced to help developers build faster and more efficiently. However, with so many frameworks available, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and even frustrated with the constantly changing landscape of web development. In fact, some developers have even gone so far as to say that “every framework sucks now.”

But before you get too discouraged, let’s take a closer look at why developers feel this way and what you can do to navigate the ever-changing world of web development frameworks.

Why do developers feel that every framework sucks now?

One of the main reasons that some developers feel that every framework sucks now is because of the sheer number of options available. With so many frameworks to choose from, it can be difficult to know which one is the best fit for your project. Additionally, frameworks are constantly changing and being updated, which can make it challenging to keep up with the latest trends and best practices.

Another reason that some developers feel that every framework sucks now is because of the learning curve associated with new frameworks. Learning a new framework can be time-consuming and challenging, especially if you are not already familiar with the underlying technologies. This can lead to frustration and a feeling of being overwhelmed with the multitude of options available.

How can you navigate the world of web development frameworks?

While it’s true that there are challenges associated with navigating the world of web development frameworks, there are also plenty of resources and strategies that you can use to make the process easier. Here are a few tips to help you navigate the world of web development frameworks:

1. Research and compare frameworks: Before diving into a new framework, take the time to research and compare the different options available. Look at the features and capabilities of each framework, as well as the documentation and community support. This will help you make an informed decision about which framework is the best fit for your project.

2. Start with a small project: If you are new to a particular framework, it can be helpful to start with a small project to get a feel for how the framework works. This will help you become familiar with the syntax and structure of the framework before tackling larger, more complex projects.

3. Join a community: One of the best ways to learn a new framework is to join a community of developers who are also using the framework. This will give you access to resources, tutorials, and support from experienced developers who can help you navigate the challenges of learning a new framework.

4. Stay up-to-date: As mentioned earlier, frameworks are constantly evolving and being updated. Make sure to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in web development to ensure that you are using the most current and efficient tools available.

In conclusion, while it’s true that the world of web development frameworks can be overwhelming at times, there are plenty of resources and strategies available to help you navigate the ever-changing landscape. By researching and comparing frameworks, starting with small projects, joining a community, and staying up-to-date with the latest trends, you can successfully navigate the world of web development frameworks and build faster and more efficiently.

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2 months ago

I don't bother looking at Svelt because as a contractor the jobs in the Minneapolis area are largely around React, Angular and the occasional Vue. I have almost never seen a request for Svelt or Nuxt. I recently picked up NextJS because a few "nice to haves" have listed it. My bobby isn't coding, coding is my job, and I go where the jobs are.

2 months ago

Next.js without Vercel sucks. That's the low key real reason ppl are burnt out on it.

2 months ago

Positive: People chose themselves to use a certain framework.
Negative: Now they're stuck with their choice.

2 months ago

As an employee or employer why would you waste your time chasing marginal gains with a full rewrite of your application in a new framework while isolating a huge amount of devs experienced with angular/react? It can't be only marginally better it has to be significantly better. Even for a greenfield project you're giving up a lot of legacy documentation, libraries, and work experience that prospective or existing employees might have. You're also asking them to learn something new which leads to longer development time and worse work life balance for your devs. The pace at which front end is changing is not sustainable imo.

2 months ago

As a new developer it is incredibly hard to find any jobs, almost all require years of experience but there is nowhere to get that experience.

2 months ago

I dont want to use Next.js

2 months ago

Just wanna point out that this interview guide is an absolute gem. Fucking amazing. It's ACTUALLY focused on assessing the candidate's most valuable skills, rather than being eager to eliminate them as soon as some poorly defined criteria aren't met.
I get that the hiring process has become a lot more complex, with more and more people and teams distributed around the world. Obviously, hiring and candidate selection had to step up, but they did it the wrong way. The industry NEEDS this mentality to move forward!

2 months ago

IMHO mass layoffs/unemployment in tech is causing these frameworks to decay….

2 months ago

Who here would take a job doing XML APIs in Java? Probably not a lot. Just think of this next time you register a Domain. This is the stuff that actually RUNs the internet.

2 months ago

No matter what framework you use, you're still writing javascript…

2 months ago

As a long-time user of Vue since its first version, I've observed that the primary challenge faced by Vue developers wasn't necessarily the shift from the Options API to the Composition API. Although the Composition API is strongly recommended for new development, it's still entirely feasible to continue using the Options API.

In maintaining a large-scale project, I've found that the most significant hurdle was the extensive breaking changes introduced when migrating from Vue 2 to Vue 3. These changes impact projects regardless of whether you stick with the Options API or adopt the Composition API. The migration process requires considerable effort and adaptation to accommodate these updates, which can be daunting for projects with substantial codebases.

Many large-scale projects remain stuck on Vue 2 for this reason. The complexity and effort required to address breaking changes, update dependencies, and ensure compatibility with Vue 3's new features and improvements have created a significant pain point for developers who are eager to leverage the advancements Vue 3 offers. The time and resources needed for such a migration can be substantial, making it challenging for teams to move forward.

2 months ago

0.35% of project really need reactivity XD

2 months ago

All these web frameworks suck as they are nothing more than glorified ToDo list builders and supply no new functionality.

2 months ago


2 months ago

I guess that's the sad reality of library oriented languages

2 months ago

Back to regular JavaScript for 2025 & 2026

2 months ago

As a Java Spring dev I would like to ask the JS developers a simple question.
What is wrong with you???

2 months ago

Who likes CSS?

2 months ago

2:14 is a punchline

2 months ago

Why is Vue in this video? LOL. Vue is probably the only one that has a very happy user base and a very stable API that’s been working for years and years.