AM Coder Guide: How to Deploy a Python Django App on

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Deploying a Python Django App to

AM Coder – Deploying a Python Django App to

AM Coder is a web developer who specializes in Python and Django. In this article, he will guide you through the process of deploying a Python Django app to, a cloud platform for building and running web applications.

Step 1: Sign Up for

The first step is to sign up for a free account on Once you have signed up, you can create a new web service for your Python Django app.

Step 2: Configure your Python Django App

Next, you need to configure your Python Django app for deployment. This includes setting up your database, configuring your static files, and making any necessary changes to your settings file.

Step 3: Connect your Git repository

After configuring your app, you can connect it to your Git repository. This allows to automatically deploy your app whenever you push changes to your repository.

Step 4: Deploy your app

Once everything is set up, you can deploy your app to with just a few clicks. will build and run your app in their cloud infrastructure, ensuring it is scalable, secure, and reliable.

Step 5: Monitor and manage your app

After deploying your app, provides tools to monitor and manage your app. This includes viewing logs, setting up custom domains, and scaling your app to handle increased traffic.

Thanks to, deploying a Python Django app is a simple and straightforward process. AM Coder recommends for anyone looking to deploy their Python Django app to the cloud.

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6 months ago

Hi Alex, thanks for the info. Question: What do we do if we have created a PostgreSQL database on our machine instead of creating one on bit io? How does one use the PSQL database on a local machine instead? Or, do we have to create a remote database?

6 months ago

Thank you so much Sir 🙏 🙏

6 months ago

I have developed a examination system,
When I submit test it is showing server error 500 ,and when I hit submit test without attempting any question , it is redirecting properly , everything it is running good in my local server , please give a solution to my problem

6 months ago

Learnt something new… Not one but numerous… The DEBUG automation depending on environment, ensuring git is initialized in the root directory… Thank you

6 months ago

django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: settings.DATABASES is improperly configured. Please supply the ENGINE value
How should I fix this?
I have done everything like you do

6 months ago

ImportError: Couldn't import Django. Are you sure it's installed and available on your PYTHONPATH environment variable? Did you forget to activate a virtual environment?
can you help me…i am facing this error while building
django is in requirements.txt
mentioned correct version of python
but even still im receiveing this error

6 months ago

This is really good stuff, will try it later. I like how you go through mistakes that you've made. NICE

6 months ago

My static files aren't loading.
Tried everything possible. What do I do😢