Amazing MS Word Hack: Create a Fillable Admission Form

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Excellent MS Word Trick | Fillable Admission Form in Word

Excellent MS Word Trick | Fillable Admission Form in Word

Creating fillable forms in Microsoft Word can be a tedious task, but with this excellent trick, you can easily create fillable admission forms in Word. Follow the steps below to create your own fillable admission form:

  1. Open Microsoft Word and create a new document
  2. Click on the “Developer” tab in the toolbar
  3. Click on “Legacy Tools” and then select “Legacy Forms”
  4. Select the form field you want to add (such as text box, dropdown menu, checkbox, etc.)
  5. Position the form field where you want it on the document
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each field you want to add to the form
  7. Save your document as a template so you can reuse it for future admission forms

With this trick, you can easily create a fillable admission form that can be completed electronically. This is a great way to streamline the admission process and make it easier for applicants to submit their information.

So next time you need to create an admission form, give this trick a try and see how easy it is to create a fillable form in Microsoft Word!