
Amy Kapernick’s Presentation at Copenhagen DevFest 2023: Why JavaScript is Not Essential for Your Website

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Your Website Does Not Need JavaScript

By Amy Kapernick – Copenhagen DevFest 2023

JavaScript has long been hailed as an indispensable tool for web development. It allows for interactive and dynamic elements, enhancing the user experience and enabling complex functionalities. However, it is time to challenge the notion that every website needs JavaScript. In fact, there are countless scenarios where a purely HTML-based website can be just as effective.

The Benefits of a JavaScript-Free Website

Developing a website without the need for JavaScript brings numerous benefits. Firstly, it significantly reduces the overall complexity of the project. Without JavaScript, there are fewer dependencies to manage, resulting in streamlined development and maintenance processes.

Secondly, excluding JavaScript enhances website performance. JavaScript files can be large and take time to download, especially on slower connections. By eliminating the need for JavaScript, loading times are reduced, resulting in a faster and smoother user experience.

Furthermore, relying solely on HTML allows for greater accessibility. While there have been substantial improvements in JavaScript’s accessibility features, there are still challenges when it comes to compatibility with assistive technologies. By sticking to HTML tags, website content becomes more accessible to individuals with disabilities.

Embracing HTML: The Power of Markup Language

HTML has come a long way since its inception. With the introduction of HTML5 and its extensive set of tags, developers can achieve a wide range of functionalities using markup language alone.

For example, the video and audio tags in HTML5 allow for seamless integration of multimedia content without JavaScript. The canvas tag provides a powerful platform for creating interactive graphics and animations. Additionally, the form tag enables the creation of complex forms and user input validation, all without the need for JavaScript.

Moreover, HTML can be combined with CSS to achieve stunning visual designs and responsive layouts. Modern CSS frameworks and techniques, such as Flexbox and Grid, provide developers with robust tools for building rich user interfaces.

Building JavaScript-Free Websites

Building a JavaScript-free website requires careful planning and utilization of HTML’s available features.

Start by defining the website’s core functionalities and determine if they can be feasibly accomplished using only HTML. Leverage HTML5’s tags and features to achieve interactivity, multimedia, and form validation where necessary. Make use of CSS for styling and layout.

When faced with situations that may seem impossible without JavaScript, explore alternative solutions. It is surprising how often simpler, JavaScript-free implementations can fulfill the same purpose with creativity and resourcefulness.

The Future of Web Development

As web development technologies evolve, it is important to question established norms and challenge the necessity of certain tools. While JavaScript undeniably has its place, not every website requires the complexity and performance costs associated with it. Developers should consider taking a step back and evaluate the potential of HTML and its growing set of features to achieve their goals without JavaScript.

Let us embrace the power of HTML and create websites that are accessible, efficient, and deliver an outstanding user experience.

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7 months ago

I'm gonna build a website with only HTML and CSS and C… what am I doing with C? Build a W3C compatible browser for my interactive/dynamic website of course!!!

Moses Nandi
7 months ago

My biggest revelation was when I found out you could code a whole web app with database and everything and use absolutely zero JavaScript.

Brian Tep
7 months ago

We all know javascript is evil, but also I need my six figure yob

7 months ago

good one mate! I learnt something new today.

Kasra Baghernezhad
7 months ago

You are definitely a Senior Principal HTML Software Architect.

7 months ago

I need JS to be needed. I do not want to lose my job xD

7 months ago

Of course, if you would like to walk from Dallas to Atlanta, just start your journey. You don't have to tell every person you meet on the road that the airplane is useless.

7 months ago

after seeing this I'd like to get a talk about "Your website does not need CSS"

Night King
7 months ago

Clearly this is a talk by someone who hasn't really built any dynamic user-facing application before. Sounds like one of those kids who go to bootcamp to learn programming and thinks they don't need a CS degree to be a software engineer. LOL

Pratik Kóré
7 months ago

12:35 Depends WHEN you are😂 before the towers or after the towers

7 months ago

She thickk
She know programming trikk
Lovely 🌹

İhsan Töre
7 months ago

HTML and CSS free JavaScript is the best.

Amaury Lemal
7 months ago

Accordians 🤣😂

Bernaridho Hutabarat
7 months ago

A clickbait. In the video you present Javascript code all the time.

hoongi jeong
7 months ago

Hmm… JavaScript has already escaped the browser or web technical boundaries, and it think, the declarative-(language)-only approach, if possible, that may eliminate the diversitive possibilities of huma imperfective versabilities from us. but i think also HTML and CSS has a ball to improve themselve. It's there tern.

7 months ago

To me it seems like out of the frying pan, into the fire.

7 months ago

She is doing God's work.

Egor Demeshko
7 months ago

css nesting is on;y 1.96% ready, so i would say it's not supported yet. and kmh, and if we are using css modules or narrow components, who needs nesting?
p.s oh. i agree, pseudo classes) i got it.

7 months ago

Wait, is this just a 'use this language, not that language' video?

Kausikan Panneer Selvam
7 months ago

you have the source-code of the examples ?