
An In-Depth Guide to Setting Up a Monorepo: Turbo Repo, Vite, Next, Tailwind, and Storybook

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Step-by-Step Monorepo Tutorial: Turbo Repo, Vite, Next, Tailwind, and Storybook

Step-by-Step Monorepo Tutorial: Turbo Repo, Vite, Next, Tailwind, and Storybook

Welcome to this step-by-step tutorial on how to set up a monorepo project using Turbo Repo, Vite, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and Storybook. Monorepo refers to the practice of managing multiple independent software projects in a single repository, offering a centralized approach to code sharing, organization, and development.

Step 1: Setting up Turbo Repo

To get started, we need to set up Turbo Repo, a tool that simplifies managing monorepo projects. Install Turbo Repo by running the following command in your terminal:

npm install -g turbo-repo

Once installed, create a new directory for your monorepo project:

mkdir my-monorepo

Navigate to the newly created directory:

cd my-monorepo

Initialize Turbo Repo:

tu init

Step 2: Setting up Vite and Next.js

In this step, we’ll set up Vite and Next.js, two powerful tools for fast, modern web development. Run the following commands:

tu add vite
tu add next

These commands will install Vite and Next.js dependencies in the root of your monorepo directory.

Step 3: Setting up Tailwind CSS

Next, let’s integrate Tailwind CSS, a utility-first CSS framework. Run the following command:

tu add tailwindcss

This will install Tailwind CSS and its dependencies in the root of your monorepo directory. Remember to configure Tailwind CSS according to your project’s needs.

Step 4: Setting up Storybook

Lastly, we’ll include Storybook, a development environment for UI components. Run the following command:

tu add storybook

Storybook will be installed and configured in the `packages/storybook` directory of your monorepo.

Step 5: Building and Running the Project

Now that we have set up all the necessary tools, it’s time to build and run the project. Begin by installing the project dependencies:

tu effort install

Next, build the project for production:

tu effort build

Finally, start the project:

tu effort start

Congratulations! You have successfully set up a monorepo project using Turbo Repo, Vite, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and Storybook. You are now ready to develop and build your software projects efficiently within a centralized repository.


In this tutorial, we have walked through the process of setting up a monorepo project using Turbo Repo, Vite, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and Storybook. Monorepo provides the benefits of code sharing, simplified dependency management, and centralized development. By following this step-by-step guide, you are equipped with the necessary tools and knowledge to kickstart your monorepo project. Happy coding!

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7 months ago

Thanks for the tutorial

7 months ago

you sound gay*

Shanu Kumar Sharma
7 months ago

can you add the github link in the description ?

James Howell
7 months ago

Could you add a link to the Github repo for reference. Thanks for the video though, exactly what I was after!

Brobin Braauw
7 months ago

Been doing front-end for a long time but sometimes these setups can be a bit daunting, thanks for this tutorial, made it easier to understand 🙂

7 months ago

You don't have to use a package bundler like tsup for internal packages, you could just use posscss cli to build the css output.
Thanks for the tutorial though ❤.

Kevin Prathama
7 months ago

What is the best practice for adding static files inside our ui packages? can i use it on storybook or other apps?

7 months ago

will a github link be posted soon?

7 months ago

youtube-clone part-07 2:20 after adding videos inside InfiniteScroll tag 1st time it works but then i reload the web page and the video were not loading , catch error occurs it shows in the console what should i do to over come this error

brian wachira
7 months ago

Hi there, after setting up Tsup and try using Button component, I get the error "Cannot find module 'ui/Button' or its corresponding type declarations."
What could be the issue?

Ira North
7 months ago

👀 Promo`SM

Mathew Dony
7 months ago

Why do you say in 35:20 that it's not a good practice to not add the the 'ui' package in the dependency? What difference does it make?

Mathew Dony
7 months ago

Which command line tool do you use? The one that shows recommendations as you type?

Abdulmalik Muhammad
7 months ago

Hi Mate, I left a message for you on instagram.

Arijit Patra
7 months ago

good one, thanks!

michael scofield
7 months ago

Good job man, plase keep going to make videos

Rahul Kumar
7 months ago


Animesh Singh
7 months ago

Hey Sumit what is this tool you are using to get suggestions in the prompt ?

7 months ago


Rasel Hossain
7 months ago

Please make a video about "how to containerize monorepo"?