An in-depth guide to understanding Generative Diffusion Models: 15 step-by-step concepts explained

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Generative Diffusion Models Explained

Generative Diffusion Models Explained

Generative diffusion models are a type of machine learning model used for image generation. They have gained popularity in recent years due to their ability to generate high-quality images with a high level of realism. In this article, we will break down generative diffusion models into 15 key concepts to help you better understand how they work.

Concept 1: Diffusion Process

The core idea behind generative diffusion models is the diffusion process, where noise is iteratively added to an image to generate a sequence of noisy images. These noisy images are then used to train the model to generate high-quality images.

Concept 2: PixelCNN

PixelCNN is a type of generative diffusion model that uses a convolutional neural network to generate images pixel by pixel. This allows the model to capture the dependencies between pixels in an image and generate realistic samples.

Concept 3: Conditional Generation

Generative diffusion models can also be conditioned on additional information, such as class labels or text descriptions. This allows the model to generate images based on specific attributes or characteristics.

Concept 4: Loss Function

During training, generative diffusion models minimize a loss function that measures the difference between the generated image and the ground truth image. This loss function guides the model to learn how to generate realistic images.

Concept 5: Sampling

Once the generative diffusion model is trained, it can be used to sample new images by iteratively adding noise to a blank image and generating the final image. This sampling process allows the model to generate diverse and realistic images.

Concept 6: Denoising Autoencoder

Generative diffusion models can be thought of as a type of denoising autoencoder, where the model learns to remove noise from an image to generate the final output. This denoising process helps the model generate high-quality images.

Concept 7: Fine-Tuning

After training the generative diffusion model, it can be fine-tuned on a specific dataset to further improve the image generation performance. Fine-tuning allows the model to learn specific characteristics of the dataset.

Concept 8: Parallel Sampling

Generative diffusion models can be parallelized to sample multiple images simultaneously, which speeds up the generation process and allows for efficient generation of large batches of images.

Concept 9: Evaluation Metrics

To evaluate the performance of generative diffusion models, metrics such as Inception Score and Frechet Inception Distance can be used to measure the quality and diversity of generated images.

Concept 10: Transfer Learning

Generative diffusion models can also leverage transfer learning techniques to transfer knowledge from pre-trained models to new datasets. This allows the model to quickly adapt to new datasets and generate high-quality images.

Concept 11: Progressive Growing

Progressive growing is a training technique used with generative diffusion models to gradually increase the resolution of generated images during training. This approach helps the model learn complex patterns and details in images.

Concept 12: StyleGAN

StyleGAN is a popular generative diffusion model that uses a style-based architecture to generate high-quality images with fine-grained control over image attributes. This model has been widely used for image synthesis tasks.

Concept 13: Self-Attention Mechanism

Generative diffusion models can incorporate self-attention mechanisms to capture long-range dependencies in images and improve image generation performance. This mechanism helps the model generate more realistic and coherent images.

Concept 14: Adversarial Training

Generative diffusion models can be trained using adversarial training techniques, where a discriminator network is used to distinguish between real and generated images. This adversarial training process helps the model learn to generate more realistic images.

Concept 15: Interpretability

One challenge with generative diffusion models is their lack of interpretability, as it can be difficult to understand how the model generates images. Research is ongoing to develop methods for interpreting and understanding the inner workings of these models.

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9 days ago

You know sir i found out your channel pure accidentally. But thank god i found it . What ever you are teaching us in absolute gold.
But there is this one thing that i gotta ask. I am really curious to know about your background. You never shared your linkedin profile with us. How come you know your shit so deeply?
Finally sir, you are awesome. Have a nice day.

9 days ago

You brought some serious points to light that I couldn’t previously see, thank you!

9 days ago

As a ComfyUI user (a tool working with Stable Diffusion), I've always been curious about how the Stable Diffusion Model creates images. After reading many articles and watching countless YouTube videos that were either too academic or too superficial, this is the only video that really satisfied my curiosity. Thank you so much for making such a valuable video. Wishing your channel continued growth and looking forward to more great content like this!

9 days ago

This is a very informative video, thank you so much! Please talk and explain how to code Rectified Flow Neural Network next 🙏🙏 And how it is different from Stable Diffusion 🤔

9 days ago

great content with so many deep concepts..

9 days ago

Good video! I'm very impressed with your results. But, one thing I'm confused about is, during sampling, there was a +σ_t * z term. I assume z is noise, but what is the sigma term? What defines how much extra noise to add each sampling step?

9 days ago

Great Job! Especially considering that these models are not easy to train.
I also never considered training CelebA with text conditioning, which seemed to produce good results given the training time.
A critique: you made a mistake when describing CLIP and with cross-attention. CLIP uses a transformer image encoder and a transformer text encoder, which are jointly trained – it may be possible to use a frozen VAE for the image encoder, but that would probably constrain the latent space and prevent strong semantic alignment.
For cross-attention, K and V come from CLIP whereas Q comes from the image tokens (you reversed them on your slide). Flipping them would also likely work, but then the cross-attention is modulating existing image features rather than introducing new features based on the conditioning.

9 days ago

Great video…
If possible provide code also…

9 days ago

I really love your channel, Keep up the good work

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