
An innovative web development approach: WebAssembly

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WebAssembly: A new development paradigm for the web

In recent years, the web development community has seen the rise of WebAssembly as a new and powerful technology for building web applications. WebAssembly, or Wasm for short, is a binary instruction format that runs within the browser alongside JavaScript, allowing for high-performance, low-level code to be executed in a secure and efficient manner.

What is WebAssembly?

WebAssembly is often referred to as the “assembly language of the web,” as it provides a portable, low-level format for executing code on web pages. It was first developed by major browser vendors including Google, Microsoft, Mozilla, and Apple, with the goal of enabling developers to build web applications that are as fast and powerful as native desktop applications.

Why use WebAssembly?

There are several benefits to using WebAssembly in web development. First and foremost, it allows developers to write code in languages other than JavaScript, such as C, C++, and Rust, and have it run efficiently in the browser. This opens up new possibilities for building web applications with complex computational requirements, such as games, video and audio processing, and scientific simulations.

WebAssembly also offers improved performance compared to traditional JavaScript, as it is designed to execute code at near-native speeds. This makes it especially well-suited for performance-critical applications where speed is essential. Additionally, WebAssembly is designed with security in mind, as it runs in a sandboxed environment, preventing it from accessing sensitive resources on the user’s device.

How to use WebAssembly

Integrating WebAssembly into web applications involves compiling code from another language, such as C or C++, into Wasm bytecode, which can then be loaded and executed within the browser. Several tools and frameworks, such as Emscripten and AssemblyScript, have been developed to facilitate the process of compiling code to WebAssembly and integrating it into web applications.

Developers can also use WebAssembly in conjunction with JavaScript, allowing them to take advantage of the strengths of both languages within the same application. This makes it possible to integrate existing JavaScript code with WebAssembly modules, or even call WebAssembly functions directly from JavaScript.

The future of WebAssembly

As WebAssembly continues to gain traction in the web development community, its potential for transforming the way web applications are built and executed is becoming increasingly clear. With support for WebAssembly now available in all major browsers, and ongoing efforts to enhance its capabilities and performance, it is poised to become a fundamental part of the web development ecosystem.

WebAssembly has the potential to revolutionize web development by enabling developers to build high-performance, secure, and complex web applications that were previously only feasible as native desktop applications. As the technology continues to mature, we can expect to see more and more web applications taking advantage of the power and flexibility that WebAssembly offers.

In conclusion, WebAssembly represents a new and exciting development paradigm for the web, providing developers with the tools and capabilities needed to build web applications that are faster, more powerful, and more secure than ever before.

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Chrome for Developers
7 months ago

Want to learn more about what's new for the web? Check out the Web Keynote at #GoolgeIOhttps://goo.gle/IO23_webkey_pin

7 months ago


7 months ago

Presentations like this make me feel like Google has a box of generic developers they can Mr. Potato Head up and put in front of a camera and read the script. As genuine as a car salesman.

7 months ago

is wasm used only to compile codes from other languages to wasm?

7 months ago

I want wasm everywhere. an os with wasm as first-class or even only way to distribute software would be great.

Dishant Patel
7 months ago

Is webassembly supported in android system webview? and other mobile platform webview? like flutter webview and android webview devtool

krishana kumar
7 months ago

Can I use your videos on my YouTube channel if I want.

Muhamed Karajic
7 months ago

Truly amazing!

7 months ago

The language about managing memory is quite misleading, but this video is about advertising that google‘s runtime memory managed languages finally work in Washington too, so this must be assumed.

Youngjae Moon
7 months ago

Nice Pingu at the end!

7 months ago

is this the famous Thom who made JDSL?

7 months ago

1:28 I'm wondering why Google Earth is not listed

Ilya Izr
7 months ago

So, if you're web dev – you might get new faster libraries
If you're not web dev – you can extend your app to the web via WA

Jobie J
7 months ago

Kmm on the web is interesting.

Just Michael
7 months ago

webp-hero does not use WASM as per their documentation on npmjs

David Learn
7 months ago

I know its difficult but please someone use this for python web

7 months ago

They talked about rust c c++ even Swift but not c# 😅 shows how much they hate. Hopefully it will change

Michael Westergaard
7 months ago

Very cool. You've invented Java applets.

7 months ago

"with no store getting in the way, and no revenue split affecting your profitability" 21:30 🤔

Foo Bar
7 months ago

Whoever said that Rust is an Alloc/free language has no clue about the borrow checker.