An Introduction to Tkinter: Creating GUI Applications in Python – Hands-On Workshop

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Welcome to the TKINTER INTRO – GUI APPS IN PYTHON Hands on Class

Are you interested in creating graphical user interface (GUI) applications in Python? If so, then this hands-on class on TKINTER is perfect for you! TKINTER is a popular GUI toolkit for Python that allows you to create beautiful and interactive applications with ease.

What Will You Learn?

  • Basics of TKINTER library
  • Creating buttons, labels, and entry widgets
  • Layout management with pack, grid, and place
  • Handling events and callbacks
  • Building simple GUI applications


TKINTER is a powerful and easy-to-use tool for building GUI applications in Python. It provides a wide range of widgets and layout management options, making it ideal for both beginners and advanced users. Whether you’re looking to create a simple calculator or a complex data visualization tool, TKINTER has got you covered.

Hands-On Experience

This class is designed to be hands-on, so be prepared to roll up your sleeves and start coding! You will have the opportunity to work on practical exercises and projects that will help you master the TKINTER library and build your own GUI applications from scratch.

Sign Up Now!

Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to learn about TKINTER and start creating your own GUI applications in Python. Sign up for the hands-on class today and take your programming skills to the next level!

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4 months ago

Awesome video. Thank you. Just started it with using linux-mint(pretty much ubuntu but with a more friendly UI) and working great.

4 months ago

I miss you my teacher

4 months ago

These classes are phenomenal.

4 months ago

Please do Django

4 months ago

what happened to the jk rowling upload?

4 months ago

Woah Eli has come so far. I can remember watching his videos on how to repair computers when I had little knowledge on even how to use a computer when I was working in Sales. I did my A+, Net+, and Sec+ and worked in that area for 4 years. Today I work as a Software Engineer helping companies to build cool stuff.

Eli, hats off to you for doing what you do. You have helped me changed my life. Thank you!

4 months ago

Presentation skills are on point I think you’re gonna do just fine with Silicon Dojo.

4 months ago

Wow, quite impressed with his presentation.

4 months ago

Thank you. Eli, for the video tutorial and resources. I’m starting my own silicon dojo in Japan teaching kids how to program.

4 months ago

I pay you 13 dollars somehow, forever as far as I can tell, love this content, totally worth the 13 dollars,forever; may not learn to code but you make it much simpler to learn, "Thanks Eli the computer guy!!?":-)

4 months ago

Unfortunately they will pull the plug on small business,especially computer programmers, get into the security end of the digital dollar slave collar, social scoring system,regulations against power use,will follow once this system is up and running.

4 months ago

Oh wow this is such a coincidence!! When I was a young teen, I used to watch your videos a lot! I specifically remember watching the OSI model explanation in depth, just checked and damn – that's 12 years ago! Now I'm 26 and working as a programming research assistant, I just programmed a whole GUI for my research lab to register studies with tkinter. Then I saw this video by pure chance. What a nice round up with my past :') Thanks Eli

4 months ago

Your didatical skills are good, but what you teach is bullshit. We have 2023, nobody, literally nobody in industry is using what you teach in your videos. If you would upgrade yourself to modern technologies you could make so much money from teaching. But this videos are only ripping off people, because those technologies are so dead since so many years…

4 months ago

Are the intro classes the only ones going to get on yt or are there more advanced ones too

4 months ago

If I was nearby I would’ve attended this in person. Thank you for posting the formal lesson!

4 months ago

Why ? Why would you build a gui in python just learn javascript