
An Overview of NextJS 12.1 SSR & SSG: All the Information You Need

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NextJS 12.1 SSR & SSG: Everything you need to know

NextJS 12.1 SSR & SSG: Everything you need to know

NextJS is a popular framework for building React applications. With the release of NextJS 12.1, there are some exciting updates to the server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG) capabilities. Let’s take a look at everything you need to know about these features.

Server-side rendering (SSR)

Server-side rendering is a technique used to render React components on the server rather than in the browser. This can improve performance and SEO by delivering fully rendered HTML to the client. NextJS 12.1 includes updates to its SSR capabilities, making it easier to implement and more efficient to use.

New API for SSR

NextJS 12.1 introduces a new API for implementing server-side rendering. This API provides a more streamlined and intuitive way to define which pages should be rendered on the server, and allows for greater control over the rendering process.

Improved performance

The latest version of NextJS includes optimizations for server-side rendering, resulting in improved performance and faster page load times. This makes SSR an even more attractive option for delivering high-performance web applications.

Static site generation (SSG)

Static site generation is a technique used to pre-render pages at build time, rather than on the fly. This can result in significant performance improvements and is especially useful for content-heavy websites. NextJS 12.1 includes updates to its SSG capabilities, making it even easier to use and more powerful than before.

Incremental static regeneration (ISR)

One of the most exciting new features in NextJS 12.1 is incremental static regeneration (ISR). This allows for pages to be re-generated at runtime, rather than at build time, providing a more dynamic and responsive user experience. ISR is a game-changer for SSG and opens up new possibilities for building highly interactive websites with NextJS.

Improved build performance

NextJS 12.1 includes optimizations for the build process, resulting in faster build times and improved performance for static site generation. This makes it easier and more efficient to generate static sites with NextJS, even for large and complex websites.


NextJS 12.1 introduces some exciting updates to its server-side rendering and static site generation capabilities. With improvements to both SSR and SSG, as well as new features like incremental static regeneration, NextJS continues to be a powerful and versatile framework for building high-performance web applications. Whether you’re building a content-heavy website or a highly interactive web app, NextJS 12.1 has everything you need to deliver a great user experience.

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7 months ago

Hi Jack, I am confused at 29:29, when you made a change to the data with SSGeneration, you didn't push to the github repo but still your request updated the data, how does a deployed application know the changes on your local side?

7 months ago

Thank you man.

Dallas Cole
7 months ago

Great talk

Anton Svyatchenko
7 months ago

Mucho crazy awesome video, thx 😊

Juan Pastén
7 months ago

Thanks so much!

Umar Alfaruq
7 months ago

dude what font name?

Burak Surumcuoglu
7 months ago

Absolute masterpiece content

7 months ago

why you create .sh file i didn't understand can you tell me?

Darius Pranskus
7 months ago

Thank you for the great demonstration of Client, SSR and SSG features. I also liked the terminal prompt customisation.

Prerit Dayal
7 months ago

Great video ❤

Денис Монастырский
7 months ago

@jherr Thank You for such a good explanation. I'm afraid that I do not fully understand how SSG works in conjunction with hooks. I guess a page is pre-rendered at a built time. The server then serves it as simple HTML+JSON+JS and when it hits the browser js make the page interactive. Can we assume that it works something similar to an island architecture, like only those pieces of HTML that are relying on the dynamic data will be managed by JS and all other page content will still be served as a plain HTML or will it completely opt out SSG, and makes a page SSR instead?

Marco R.
7 months ago

Thank you, really good guide

begi mahone
7 months ago


Betul Kaplan
7 months ago

This was the neatest explanation I have had for SSR – CSR. Thanks a lot!

Liron Avineri
7 months ago

Great stuff! thank you!

richmond elaigwu
7 months ago

The link for the index.json file. I need help why isn't working

Wen Danny
7 months ago

Really awesome explanation!

WebDev Telugu
7 months ago

15:11 How does he destructure the {params} in getServerSideProps function when doing SSR?

محمد حسین آرتنه
7 months ago

Pls talk about next-redux-wrapper

محمد حسین آرتنه
7 months ago

Thanks for your good videos