
An Update on Vue and Vite from Evan You

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Vue and Vite Status Update – Evan You

Vue and Vite Status Update

Vue.js and Vite are two popular tools in the front-end development world, and their creator Evan You recently provided a status update on the projects. Let’s take a closer look at what’s happening with Vue and Vite.


Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. Evan You announced that the upcoming Vue 3.2 release will include various improvements and bug fixes. He also mentioned that the Vue team is exploring new features and enhancements for future releases. It’s great to see that Vue.js continues to evolve and improve, providing developers with a powerful and reliable framework for building web applications.


Vite is a build tool for modern web development. Evan You shared that the Vite 2.0 release is planned to include improved TypeScript support, better build error reporting, and other improvements to enhance the developer experience. Additionally, the Vite team is working on VitePress, a static site generator built on top of Vite. This will provide a fast and efficient way to build static websites using Vite as the underlying build tool.


It’s exciting to see the progress being made on Vue.js and Vite. Evan You and the respective teams are committed to delivering high-quality tools for front-end developers, and the updates mentioned are evidence of that dedication. Whether you’re building a web application with Vue.js or using Vite for your build tooling, it’s clear that these projects are moving in the right direction. Keep an eye out for the upcoming releases and enhancements, as they will undoubtedly bring even more value to the development community.

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6 months ago

I wish I had more hours in my day to work within Vue 3. Recently I've been focused on all things VitePress, and loving every minute of it – thanks for such excellent work to everyone involved! 🏆

6 months ago

I still haven't forgiven you for breaking Vue 2 so bad with Vue 3. I really don't want to use it after the messup.

6 months ago

> vite has evolved from just a dev server to something that is much more significant.

I agree, it's the new core-js.

6 months ago

Evan, I think it's important that you physically make it to these events. I know Toronto is a long way from home but most of a conference is about connecting and that just doesn't happen over a video feed. Secondarily physical proximity produces accountability and focus on preparation that doesn't happen (as well intentioned as you are). The kickoff to this presentation was awkward, a primary focus on the past — while intellectually interesting — is not a good way to encourage excitement in the community. You're an amazing individual and a great presenter but this presentation was not up to your standard nor does it show a firm commitment to VueJS and encourages the idea that your focus has shifted to the larger ViteJS playing field. I still firmly believe VueJS is a 1st class SPA framework and still my favorite but effort needs to be made to stay relevant (when your name is not pronounced "React" and you're no longer the coolest kid on the block). I do get that as the SPA space matures, it's harder to be "sexy" in the change that's released but basic blocking and tackling needs to be executed on (which includes physical attendance of events).

COVID made us all get used to work from home but also enabled lazy behavior (the latter we can't continue as we move forward). I don't know nearly enough about your day to day to say you're lack of attendance was lazy (my guess is it was not) but I will say with confidence that this year's talk was delivered with less enthusiasm and apparent preparation than those in the past. Your voice only sounded excited when you switched to ViteJS and IMHO the only emphasis ViteJS should get in a VueJS conference is how Vue integrates with it. I love ViteJS but it is a cross-platform tool and it's scope causes more problems than it solves.

6 months ago

Great to get some insights & learnings of the Vue 2 to Vue 3 transition. 🙌