
Angular 12 Tutorial: Implementing Add to Cart and Shopping Cart in Angular for E-commerce with Flipkart UI

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Add to Cart in Angular

In this Angular 12 tutorial, we will learn how to implement an add to cart functionality in an Angular application. To demonstrate this, we will use a Flipkart UI design and create a shopping cart for an e-commerce website.

Setting up the Angular Project

Before we begin, make sure you have the latest version of Angular installed on your system. You can check your Angular version by running the following command in your terminal:

ng version

If you don’t have Angular installed, you can install it by running the following command:

npm install -g @angular/cli

Once you have Angular installed, you can create a new Angular project by running the following command:

ng new shopping-cart

After the project is created, navigate to the project directory by running:

cd shopping-cart

Creating the Shopping Cart Components

Now, let’s create the components needed for our shopping cart. Run the following command to generate a new component:

ng generate component product

This will generate a new product component under the src/app folder. Repeat this process to generate components for cart, checkout, and confirmation.

Implementing the Add to Cart Functionality

Open the product.component.html file and add the HTML markup for displaying the product details, such as the product name, price, and an “Add to Cart” button. You can use HTML and Angular interpolation to bind the dynamic data.

<h2>Product Details</h2>
<div class="product">
  <h3>{{ product.name }}</h3>
  <p>Price: {{ product.price }}</p>
  <button (click)="addToCart()">Add to Cart</button>

Next, open the product.component.ts file and define the product details in the component class:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-product',
  templateUrl: './product.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./product.component.css']
export class ProductComponent {
  product = {
    name: 'Example Product',
    price: 24.99

  addToCart() {
    // Implement add to cart functionality here

Inside the addToCart() method, you can implement the logic to add the product to the shopping cart. This can be done by creating a cart service and using dependency injection to access the service methods.

Updating the Cart Component

In the cart.component.html file, you can use HTML and Angular directives to display the products added to the cart. You can iterate over the cart items using *ngFor directive and display the product details.

<h2>Shopping Cart</h2>
<div *ngFor="let item of cartItems" class="cart-item">
  <h3>{{ item.name }}</h3>
  <p>Price: {{ item.price }}</p>

The cartItems property is a variable in the cart component that stores the list of products added to the cart. This can be populated by the add to cart functionality.

Final Thoughts

Congratulations! You have successfully implemented the add to cart functionality in Angular. With this knowledge, you can now create a fully functional shopping cart for your e-commerce website using Angular.

Remember to style your components using CSS or any CSS framework of your choice to improve the visual appearance of your shopping cart.

Happy coding!

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Anthony M
8 months ago

thanks very much for your great support sir, it helps a lot for beginners like me.

priyanka patil
8 months ago

Error: src/app/component/products/products.component.html:38:19 – error TS2339: Property 'item' does not exist on type 'ProductsComponent'.

38 <h5>{{item.title}}</h5>

how to fix this error

Ashraf ali
8 months ago

sir how to you create api section

Pruthviraj Pokale
8 months ago

im build this project its awesome. But I have one issue the cart item no show . please anyone help me .

Jagadesh Anbu
8 months ago

great tutorial..thanks

Well King
8 months ago

you are doing great work brother i need videos to make ecommerce project and get products from database from a to z please

8 months ago

Hi. The header component is not getting loaded. The index page shows the content from app.component.html file only. What am i doing wrong?

Rocky Techmax
8 months ago

please provide icon images link

Rocky Techmax
8 months ago

sir components created in component they are not showing data on page

Suresh irla
8 months ago

is thare still enough video to complete the project

Suresh irla
8 months ago

bro whare is the fontawasome link

Hirusha Malith
8 months ago

Such a nice tutorial , all ones are properly working , your guidance and corporations are highly appreciate it , thank you & all the very best sir !

8 months ago

After refreshing page… Cart becomes empty?
Can anybody help me how to overcome that problem?

gurami jiqia
8 months ago

Thankss a lottt bro <3

Basa Leelavathi
8 months ago

how to get one single component page with that corresponding product details?

Shekhar Vadla
8 months ago

Hi Great tutorial… Can you pls make video for how to redirect product details page and how to store in local storage.

Only Movie
8 months ago

Is type ki web site bnana h uska playlist bnao

8 months ago

Hi, I was doing the same thing but when I was trying to get the products list in cartservice i was getting empty product list as I have added item to cart

8 months ago

Sir please make video on checkout also i need it urgently… please sir…

Akash kolekar
8 months ago

Great job bro
It help me a lot
Thanks for making a knowledgeable videos