Angular 17, fastapi, and mongoDb: Listing Records

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Listar registros Angular 17 – fastapi – mongoDb

Listar registros Angular 17 – fastapi – mongoDb

When it comes to web development, using Angular 17 with fastapi and mongoDb is a powerful combination that allows for efficient and scalable applications. In this article, we will explore how to list records using these technologies.

Angular 17

Angular 17 is a popular front-end framework developed by Google. It allows developers to build dynamic and feature-rich web applications using TypeScript and HTML. With its robust tooling and extensive library of components, Angular is a top choice for building modern web applications.


fastapi is a modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python using standard Python type hints. It is easy to learn and is known for its speed, simplicity, and built-in support for OpenAPI and async/await. With fastapi, developers can quickly create APIs for their applications and easily integrate them with other technologies such as mongoDb.


mongoDb is a popular NoSQL database that is known for its flexibility, scalability, and performance. It is a great choice for storing and retrieving data in web applications, especially when dealing with large volumes of data and complex data models. With its support for JSON-like documents and powerful query capabilities, mongoDb is an ideal choice for modern web applications.

Listing Records

When it comes to listing records in a web application built with Angular 17, fastapi, and mongoDb, there are several steps involved. First, the Angular 17 application can make an HTTP request to the fastapi backend, which in turn can query the mongoDb database for the desired records. The fastapi backend can then return the records to the Angular 17 application, which can display them to the user.


Using Angular 17 with fastapi and mongoDb allows for the creation of powerful and efficient web applications. By leveraging the strengths of each technology, developers can build high-performance applications that can easily list and manipulate records in a mongoDb database. Whether it’s a small project or a large-scale enterprise application, this tech stack is well-equipped to handle the task at hand.

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4 months ago

Gracias amigo excelente video