Angular Error: Cannot read property ‘title’ of undefined – TypeError

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Angular Error: ERROR TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘title’)

Angular Error: ERROR TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘title’)

If you are encountering the following error in your Angular application:

ERROR TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'title')

It means that somewhere in your code, you are attempting to access the property ‘title’ of an object that is undefined. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as trying to access a property of an object before it has been initialized, or passing an undefined object to a function that expects a defined object.

To fix this error, you will need to identify the specific location in your code where this error is occurring. Once you have identified the location, you can use conditional checks or null coalescing operators to ensure that the object is defined before attempting to access its properties.

For example, if you have a function that expects an object with a ‘title’ property, you could guard against the error by checking if the object is defined before accessing its ‘title’ property:

if (myObject && myObject.title) {
  // Access the title property
} else {
  // Handle the case where the object or its title property is undefined

Additionally, you should also review your code for any instances where you may be passing an undefined object to a function that expects a defined object, and make sure that you are initializing your objects before attempting to access their properties.

By identifying and addressing the root cause of this error in your Angular application, you can ensure that your code is more robust and resilient to potential runtime errors.

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Kasam Momin
7 months ago


Gatty Gamaun
7 months ago

It's not a good solution. You just hide an uninitialized object.

7 months ago

Helped me to get rid of console error. Thank you!

Danie Olarte Lamas
7 months ago

Thank you very much I saw thousands of videos but your solution was the most effective, thank you very much