Angular Forms: A Guide to Angular Reactive Forms and Form Validation with Examples

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Angular Forms

Angular Forms

Angular provides a powerful way to handle forms using the FormModule. There are two types of forms in Angular, template-driven forms and reactive forms. In this article, we will focus on reactive forms and their validation.

Angular Reactive Form

Reactive forms are model-driven forms that are more scalable, reusable, and testable compared to template-driven forms. They are built around observable streams and can be easily integrated with RxJS. Let’s look at an example of a basic reactive form with form validation.

Name is required.

Email is required.
Invalid email format.

In the above example, we create a reactive form with two form controls, name and email. We use the FormBuilder service to create the form group with the specified form controls and their validators. We also define the submit handler to handle the form submission when it is valid. The form has validation messages displayed based on the state of each form control.

Angular Form Validation

Angular provides a powerful way to validate form inputs using built-in and custom validators. In the example above, we used the required and email validators for the name and email form controls. We also used the disabled attribute on the submit button to disable it when the form is not valid.

Form validation can be enhanced with custom validators, cross-field validation, asynchronous validation, and error messages. Angular also provides built-in directive classes like ng-touched, ng-dirty, and ng-invalid to handle form field states and display validation messages as needed.

Overall, Angular reactive forms provide a robust solution for handling forms and their validation. With the ability to easily create complex forms, apply custom validation rules, and handle form submission, reactive forms are a great choice for building dynamic and interactive user interfaces.