Angular Interview Questions: Day 5 | Component and Directive Explained #shorts @CodingKnowledge

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Day-5 Angular Interview Questions and Answers | Component and Directive

Day-5 Angular Interview Questions and Answers

Component and Directive

When preparing for an Angular interview, it’s important to be familiar with common questions related to components and directives. Here are a few questions and answers that you might encounter:

1. What is a component in Angular?

A component is a building block of an Angular application that controls a portion of the UI. It consists of a template, a class, and metadata that defines how the component behaves.

2. How do you define a component in Angular?

To define a component in Angular, you need to create a TypeScript class with the @Component decorator. This decorator provides metadata about the component, such as its selector, template, and styles.

3. What is a directive in Angular?

A directive is a behavior or DOM manipulation that can be applied to an element in the Angular template. There are several types of directives in Angular, including structural directives and attribute directives.

4. How do you create a custom directive in Angular?

To create a custom directive in Angular, you need to create a TypeScript class with the @Directive decorator. This decorator specifies the selector for the directive and any inputs or outputs that it may have.

5. What is the difference between a component and a directive?

A component is a type of directive that has a template, while a directive is a behavior or DOM manipulation that can be applied to an element. Components are more complex and self-contained, while directives are more lightweight and reusable.


Understanding components and directives is crucial for building successful Angular applications. By familiarizing yourself with common interview questions and answers related to these topics, you can better prepare for your next Angular interview.

For more information and resources on Angular development, be sure to follow @CodingKnowledge on social media channels.

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