
Angular is considered to be reactive in the State of JS survey.

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Angular is reactive in the State of JS

Angular is reactive in the State of JS

Angular is a popular JavaScript framework that is known for its reactivity and responsiveness. In the annual survey conducted by the State of JS, Angular has consistently been rated highly for its reactive features.

One of the key aspects of Angular’s reactivity is its use of reactive programming techniques. Angular utilizes Observables, which are streams of data that can be observed and reacted to. This allows for real-time updates and changes to the user interface based on changes in the data.

Another factor that contributes to Angular’s reactivity is its use of two-way data binding. This means that changes to the model are automatically reflected in the view, and vice versa. This makes it easier to create dynamic and interactive user interfaces that respond to user input and data changes.

Furthermore, Angular’s use of dependency injection and services contributes to its reactivity. By breaking down the application into smaller, reusable components and services, Angular allows for better managing of state and data flow, leading to a more reactive and responsive application.

Overall, Angular’s reactivity is a key feature that sets it apart from other JavaScript frameworks. Its use of reactive programming, two-way data binding, and dependency injection make it a powerful tool for building dynamic and responsive web applications.

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nanna dash
7 months ago

kudos ! hope more love to analog coming days

Preyan Bhowmick
7 months ago

I can't wait to try out Analog. ❤️