Angular JS – Click Here to Watch the Entire Video

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AngularJS is a powerful front-end framework that allows developers to build dynamic, single-page web applications. In this tutorial, we will explore how to create a simple AngularJS application that responds to user clicks.

Before we get started, make sure you have the following prerequisites installed on your machine:

  • Node.js
  • Angular CLI

If you don’t have these installed, follow the official documentation to set them up on your machine.

Now, let’s dive into creating our AngularJS application. We will start by creating a new project using the Angular CLI. Open your terminal and run the following command:

ng new click-to-view-full-video

This command will create a new Angular project with the name ‘click-to-view-full-video’. Once the project is created, navigate to the project directory by running:

cd click-to-view-full-video

Next, let’s create a new component that will handle the click event and display the full video. Run the following command to generate a new component:

ng generate component video

This command will create a new folder called ‘video’ in the ‘src/app’ directory with all the necessary files for our video component.

Now, open the ‘video.component.ts’ file located in the ‘video’ folder and update it with the following code:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-video',
  templateUrl: './video.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./video.component.css']
export class VideoComponent {
  videoURL = '';

  watchVideo() {;

In this code, we have defined a variable called ‘videoURL’ which holds the URL of the video we want to display. We have also created a function called ‘watchVideo’ which opens a new window with the video URL when called.

Next, open the ‘video.component.html’ file and update it with the following code:

<div (click)="watchVideo()">
  <h1>Click to view full video</h1>

In this code, we have added a click event listener to the div element. When the div is clicked, it will call the ‘watchVideo’ function defined in our component.

Now, let’s update the ‘app.component.html’ file to include our ‘app-video’ component. Open the ‘app.component.html’ file and update it with the following code:


Finally, run the following command in your terminal to start the development server:

ng serve

Navigate to ‘http://localhost:4200/‘ in your browser to see your AngularJS application in action. Click on the text ‘Click to view full video’, and a new window will open with the video URL.

Congratulations! You have successfully created a simple AngularJS application that responds to user clicks. This tutorial only scratches the surface of what AngularJS can do, so feel free to explore the official documentation and build more complex applications.

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