Angular JS Directive: Array.splice Function Exhibits Unusual Behavior

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When working with Angular JS directives, you may encounter some unexpected behavior when using the array.splice method. This is likely due to the way Angular JS handles data binding and updates to the DOM. In this tutorial, we will explore the strange behavior of array.splice in Angular JS directives and offer some solutions to help you work around this issue.

To start, let’s first understand what the array.splice method does. The array.splice method in JavaScript is used to add or remove elements from an array. When used, it modifies the original array and returns an array containing the removed elements.

In Angular JS, when you use array.splice within a directive, you may notice that the changes are not reflected in the DOM. This is because Angular JS uses two-way data binding to keep the view and the model in sync. When you use array.splice directly on the array, Angular JS does not detect this change and therefore does not update the view.

To demonstrate this behavior, let’s create a simple directive that manipulates an array using the array.splice method:

app.directive('myDirective', function() {
  return {
    restrict: 'E',
    template: '<ul><li ng-repeat="item in items">{{ item }}</li></ul>',
    link: function(scope) {
      scope.items = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

      // remove the last item
      scope.items.splice(-1, 1);

In this directive, we are initializing the items array with values 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. We then use array.splice to remove the last item from the array. However, when you run this code, you will notice that the view does not update to reflect the changes made to the array.

To work around this issue, you can use the $apply method provided by Angular JS. The $apply method is used to execute an expression in Angular JS and update the view accordingly. By using $apply, we can ensure that changes made to the array are detected and updated in the DOM.

Let’s modify our directive to use $apply:

app.directive('myDirective', function() {
  return {
    restrict: 'E',
    template: '<ul><li ng-repeat="item in items">{{ item }}</li></ul>',
    link: function(scope) {
      scope.items = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

      // remove the last item
      scope.$apply(function() {
        scope.items.splice(-1, 1);

By wrapping the array.splice method in the $apply function, we ensure that the changes made to the array are detected by Angular JS and updated in the view. This will help prevent the strange behavior of array.splice in Angular JS directives.

In conclusion, when using the array.splice method in Angular JS directives, be aware of the potential issues with data binding and updates to the DOM. By using the $apply method, you can ensure that changes to the array are detected and reflected in the view. I hope this tutorial has helped you understand the strange behavior of array.splice in Angular JS directives and how to work around it.