Angular Library Project Files: Understanding the ng-package.json File

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Angular Library Project Files: ng-package.json

Angular Library Project Files: ng-package.json

When developing a project in Angular, it is crucial to understand the different project files that are involved in the development process. One important file that plays a significant role in the Angular library project is the ng-package.json file.

What is ng-package.json?

The ng-package.json file is a configuration file used by the ng-packagr tool, which is responsible for packaging and building Angular libraries. This file contains settings and options that define how the library project will be packaged, built, and distributed.

Key Configurations in ng-package.json

The ng-package.json file allows developers to define various configurations for the packaging and building of their Angular libraries. Some of the key configurations that can be specified in this file include:

  • dest: Specifies the output directory where the packaged library will be generated.
  • lib: Defines the entry file(s) for the library and other file paths that need to be included in the packaging process.
  • whitelistedNonPeerDependencies: Lists non-peer dependencies that should be included in the final packaged library.
  • umd: Configures settings for generating Universal Module Definition (UMD) bundles for the library.
  • npm: Provides options for configuring the publishing of the library to the npm registry.

Example ng-package.json File

Below is an example of a simple ng-package.json file with basic configurations:

  "$schema": "./node_modules/ng-packagr/ng-package.schema.json",
  "dest": "dist",
  "lib": {
    "entryFile": "public-api.ts"
  "whitelistedNonPeerDependencies": [
  "umd": {
    "fileName": "my-library",
    "global: MyLibrary",
    "externals": {
      "rxjs": "rxjs"
  "npm": {
    "skipChecks": true


The ng-package.json file is an essential part of the Angular library project, as it allows developers to specify various configurations for packaging, building, and distributing their libraries. Understanding and correctly configuring this file is crucial for successfully managing and distributing Angular libraries.