Angular Library: Public API Files

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Angular | Library Project files | public-api.ts

Understanding Angular Library Project files – public-api.ts

When working on an Angular library project, one of the key files that developers need to understand is the public-api.ts file. This file plays a crucial role in exposing the public API of the library to consumers.

What is public-api.ts?

The public-api.ts file serves as the entry point for the library and is used to export the public components, directives, pipes, and services that are intended to be used by consumers of the library. It acts as a bridge between the internal implementation of the library and the external applications that will be using it.

By exporting the relevant symbols in the public-api.ts file, developers can control which parts of the library are accessible to consumers, while keeping the internal implementation hidden.

Creating and managing public-api.ts

When creating an Angular library project, the public-api.ts file is typically created in the src directory of the project. As components, directives, pipes, and services are developed, they are added to the public-api.ts file using export statements.

It’s important to keep the public-api.ts file up to date as the library evolves, adding and removing exports as needed. This ensures that consumers have access to the latest and most relevant parts of the library.

Consuming a library using public-api.ts

When consuming an Angular library that uses a public-api.ts file, developers can simply import the desired symbols from the public-api.ts file and use them in their applications. This provides a clean and concise way to access the functionality provided by the library, without having to worry about its internal implementation details.


The public-api.ts file is a crucial part of an Angular library project, serving as the gateway for consumers to access the public API of the library. By managing and updating the public-api.ts file effectively, developers can ensure that their library is easy to use and maintain, while keeping its internal implementation hidden from prying eyes.