Angular Model: Introducing the Innovative Signal-Based 2-way Data Binding

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Angular Model – The New Signal-Based 2-way Data Binding is a powerful feature introduced in Angular 12 that allows for seamless communication between data models and front-end components in an Angular application. This tutorial will walk you through how to implement Angular Model in your project, including setting up the necessary configuration and creating a simple example to demonstrate its functionality.

What is Angular Model?

Angular Model is a new concept introduced in Angular 12 that enables signal-based 2-way data binding between data models and front-end components. In traditional Angular applications, data binding is achieved using property-based binding, where changes to a model are reflected in the view using property setters and getters. However, Angular Model takes this a step further by utilizing signals to trigger updates in the view whenever data in the model changes, providing a more efficient and robust way to handle data binding.

Setting up Angular Model

To start using Angular Model in your Angular project, you first need to install Angular 12 or later. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

npm install -g @angular/cli

Once you have Angular installed, you can create a new Angular project by running the following command:

ng new my-angular-project

Next, navigate to your project directory and install the Angular Model package by running the following command:

npm install @angular/model

After installing the Angular Model package, you can start using it in your project by importing the ModelModule in your Angular module. To do this, open the app.module.ts file in your project and add the following import statement:

import { ModelModule } from '@angular/model';

Next, add the ModelModule to the imports array in the @NgModule decorator of your Angular module:

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

With Angular Model set up in your project, you can now start implementing signal-based 2-way data binding in your Angular components.

Creating a Simple Example

To demonstrate how Angular Model works, let’s create a simple example that implements signal-based 2-way data binding between a data model and a front-end component. In this example, we will create a simple counter component that increments a counter value using buttons.

First, create a new Angular component by running the following command in your terminal:

ng generate component counter

Next, open the counter.component.ts file in your project and define a counter model with an initial value of 0 using the @Model decorator from the Angular Model package:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { Model } from '@angular/model';

class CounterModel {
  value = 0;

Next, create a signal in the CounterModel class that increments the counter value by 1:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { Model, Signal } from '@angular/model';

class CounterModel {
  value = 0;

  increment() {

Next, open the counter.component.html file in your project and add the following template code to display the counter value and buttons to increment and decrement the counter:

  <p>Counter Value: {{counterModel.value}}</p>
  <button (click)="counterModel.increment()">Increment</button>

Finally, open the counter.component.ts file and bind the CounterModel to the component using the @ModelBinding decorator:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { ModelBinding } from '@angular/model';
import { CounterModel } from './counter.model';

  selector: 'app-counter',
  templateUrl: './counter.component.html'
export class CounterComponent {
  constructor(public counterModel: CounterModel) {}

With the counter component set up, you can now run your Angular application using the following command:

ng serve

Navigate to http://localhost:4200 in your browser to see the counter component in action. You should see the counter value displayed on the screen, with buttons to increment and decrement the counter value. When you click the increment button, the counter value should increase by 1, demonstrating signal-based 2-way data binding in action.

In this tutorial, you learned how to set up and use Angular Model in an Angular project to enable signal-based 2-way data binding between data models and front-end components. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial and creating a simple example to demonstrate the functionality of Angular Model, you can take advantage of this powerful new feature in Angular 12 to build more efficient and robust applications.

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13 days ago

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13 days ago

Thank you for the nice explanation and demo. well appreciated

13 days ago

Your channel is a treasure for angular developers. Keep it up bro. Respect infinity

13 days ago

thank you ! , but have you ever tried to use (expandChange))) in your example? because when i use it and assign a handler to log the changes it logs multiple time on each change , first log will be old value , then undefined then the new value , which isnt really ideal , because if i want to execute a code in change and this will force me to track the new value , is there a workaround in this situation or i should just stick to ngModel

13 days ago

Can someone tell me what is the benefit of using signals over behaviorSubjects?

13 days ago

Thank you

13 days ago

Can we apply this to forms? There's a lack in signal-reactive form relationship

13 days ago

I really appreciate your contributions towards angular community❤. I am looking forward to boost developers to concentrates more on design patterns. If time permits can you brief design patterns of formgroupDirective and I want to replicate the same design pattern

13 days ago

Hi! Thanks for the lessons=) Can yo make a video about nx?

13 days ago

please make an video:
I want some default value in @component decorator always, is there any way to create @customComponent decorator?

13 days ago

Great content ❤

13 days ago

Hi can you please give some info about the last section of the course on testing because I am thinking about buying it <3

13 days ago


13 days ago

Hi there, When I'm using :
on the child component, that doesn't trigger the output event:
which is a function on the parent side

13 days ago

Wow never knew this shorthand for two way binding in custom components

13 days ago


expanded.update(expanded =>!expanded)

Better than


13 days ago

Thanks, Dmytro) useful as always

13 days ago

Your videos are fantastic. Thanks a lot! 🙂

13 days ago

А есть идеи почему у меня это все не работает? Падает с ошибкой Can't bind to textModel since it is not provided by any applicable directives. Буквально повторил все как на видео, кроме названия

13 days ago

Any way how to make `setInput` function type safe? (or input name safe)

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