
Angular MODERNO v16: Signal, RxJS Interop, Module-less and Standalone

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Angular MODERNO v16: signals, RxJS interop, module-less y standalone

Angular MODERNO v16: signals, RxJS interop, module-less y standalone

Angular MODERNO v16 introduces some exciting new features that enhance the development experience for Angular developers. In this article, we will explore these new features and how they can benefit your Angular projects.


Signals in Angular MODERNO v16 provide a way to communicate between different parts of an application. This can be useful for notifying components of changes or triggering actions based on certain events. Signals help in creating a more reactive and responsive application architecture.

RxJS interop

Angular MODERNO v16 has improved interoperability with RxJS, a popular library for reactive programming. This allows developers to seamlessly integrate RxJS observables into their Angular applications, enabling better handling of asynchronous data streams and event-driven programming.

Module-less y standalone

Angular MODERNO v16 introduces the concept of module-less components and standalone services. Module-less components allow for the creation of Angular components without the need for a module, simplifying the component creation process. Standalone services enable the creation of services that can be used independently without being tied to a specific module, providing more flexibility in service architecture.

Overall, Angular MODERNO v16 brings valuable new features and enhancements to the Angular framework, empowering developers to create more efficient and responsive applications. Whether you are building a small project or a large-scale enterprise application, these new features can help elevate your Angular development experience.

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Jesus Cabeza
7 months ago

Excelente vídeo con una explicación clara y concisa. Felicidades bro.

Edis MR
7 months ago

Saludos… cómo afectan a la librería de componentes Material los cambios que está teniendo angular?

Marcos JRS
7 months ago

Muchas gracias!

José Alejandro Trejo Rivera
7 months ago

Muchas gracias por compartir

andres felipe cano
7 months ago

excelente video

Luis Fernando De Olazabal Schettini
7 months ago

Muchas gracias

E Ivan Mtz Leal
7 months ago

Excelente video… gracias por compartir!

Dani Rodríguez
7 months ago

El universo me sigue mandando señales para que me ponga al día con Angular.

Martin flores
7 months ago

buen video gracias pero no entendi el injector de que trata ??