Angular ngSwitch Directive Tutorial – Learn Switch Statement in Angular (Hindi/Urdu)

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Angular ngSwitch Directive

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Angular ngSwitch Directive

The ngSwitch directive is a powerful tool in Angular for rendering different content based on a specific condition. It is similar to a switch statement in programming languages.


The ngSwitch directive is commonly used in conjunction with ngSwitchCase and ngSwitchDefault directives.

Here’s a simple example:

      <div [ngSwitch]="variable">
        <div *ngSwitchCase="'value1'">Content for value1</div>
        <div *ngSwitchCase="'value2'">Content for value2</div>
        <div *ngSwitchDefault>Default content</div>

In this example, the content within the *ngSwitchCase directives will be rendered based on the value of the variable. If the value does not match any of the cases, the content within the *ngSwitchDefault directive will be rendered.

Benefits of ngSwitch

Using ngSwitch can lead to cleaner and more concise code compared to using nested ngIf statements. It also allows for easier readability and maintenance of the code.


The ngSwitch directive is a valuable tool in Angular for rendering content based on specific conditions. It provides a more organized and straightforward approach to handling multiple options compared to using nested ngIf statements.

If you’re looking to learn more about Angular and its directives, including ngSwitch, consider checking out online tutorials and resources available in Hindi/Urdu to further your understanding.

Learn Angular (Hindi/Urdu) | © 2023 AngularTutorials

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6 months ago

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6 months ago

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6 months ago