
Angular Part 1: Creating an Animated and Responsive Sidenav

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Animated Responsive Sidenav in Angular

In this tutorial series, we will be building an animated responsive sidenav using Angular.

☰ Open Menu

In the first part of this tutorial series, we will be building an animated responsive sidenav using Angular. A sidenav, also known as a side menu or navigation drawer, is a popular design pattern for providing easy access to navigation options without taking up the entire screen.

To start, we will create a simple HTML structure with a main content area and a hidden sidenav. The sidenav will have a fixed position on the left side of the screen and will slide in when triggered.

We will use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to achieve the desired functionality. The HTML structure consists of two main elements – the sidenav itself and the main content area. The sidenav div has an id of “mySidenav” and a class of “sidenav”. Within this div, we have an “a” tag for each navigation option.

The main content area has an id of “main” and contains a heading and a paragraph to provide some context for the tutorial.

To enable the animation, we will add some CSS styles to the sidenav and main content area. The sidenav will start off hidden with a width of 0 and will slide in from the left when triggered. We will also add a transition property to create a smooth sliding animation.

In the JavaScript section, we define two functions – openNav() and closeNav(). The openNav() function is called when the user clicks on the “☰ Open Menu” span. It sets the width of the sidenav to 250px and moves the main content area to the right by the same amount. This creates the effect of the sidenav sliding in from the left. The closeNav() function does the opposite, setting the width of the sidenav back to 0 and moving the main content area back to its original position.

By combining HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, we can create an animated responsive sidenav in Angular. In the next part of this tutorial series, we will integrate this sidenav into an Angular project and add responsive behavior to handle different screen sizes. Stay tuned for more!

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7 months ago

For the people who click on the sidenav and the body content doesnt go to the right ( the sidenav hides the content) just do like the video and try emptying the browser's cache, for me it worked on private navigation, but didn't work on normal until i cleared it. hope it helps

S.M.Faizan Raza
7 months ago

source code link ?

Ed Furtado
7 months ago

very good, amazing, my friend, I want to use bootstrap in the project and modal componet, but when installing and using the compoment it doesn't cover all screens, refactoring the code, it's due to the fixed position of the sidenav menu, if you change this attribute it breaks the structure, how do I solve it?

7 months ago

For people facing issue with the nav bar not being expanding just set the .sidenav class width to 5rem 🙂 hope it helps

Muhammad Saeed
7 months ago

Everything is working good. Except that on click on the component, the icon is barely visible and the size is small as compared to in the video.

The styling is same no error but still getting this.

Anyone faces this??

Antonio Lincoln M S Junior
7 months ago

great layout bro!! thank you

7 months ago

Someone got the error with OnInit, the dashboard does not run for me when the sidenav is opened

Bavr Zar
7 months ago

What theme for vscode is used in the video?

Saloni Malkani
7 months ago

hey can you help me with one thing??plzzz

Lars Rye Jeppesen
7 months ago

In body component: getBodyClass() is being call ayyyyyyyyyyy lot of times, it will really be nasty for performance.

Jhon Quistiano
7 months ago

che culey no lo pasas

7 months ago

Hello, when clicking on the first button to expand the menu, the body element does not move to the right.
ngOnInit(): void {

this.screenWidth = window.innerWidth;


I have reviewed all the code and it is the same as yours, it is the only thing I am missing. Can you help me? I'm using Angular 16.0.2. Will it be because of the Angular version?

Jhair Daniel Osorio Garzon
7 months ago

Hi need Help

Leonel Perez
7 months ago

You are a genius! thanks!

Babatunde Adenowo
7 months ago

Almost broke my headphones out of frustration. bs.

Lamya Ben Ammar
7 months ago

thanks a lot! I hope it works for me.

Julio Franca Da Silva
7 months ago

My page doesn't move the element to the left when I click, is there a css problem? I'm using ngOnInit and it's not working

Nikita Kumari
7 months ago

Hey I dont, know why but when I open dashboard sidenav bar disappears.

James Haumann
7 months ago

This is useless without some sort of audio to explain what you are doing, why you are doing it, and most of all which component you are doing it in.

7 months ago

hey bro , great job !! a question , How can I make the navigation bar allow opening links from external pages?