Angular Part 12: Importing Auto Components

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Auto Import in Angular part 12

Welcome to Part 12 of the Auto Import in Angular series!

In this article, we will continue our exploration of auto import in Angular. We will dive into some advanced concepts and best practices that will help you leverage the power of auto import in your Angular projects.

Using Module Import Syntax

One of the most common ways to import modules in Angular is by using the import statement. With auto import, the IDE can suggest module imports as you type, making it easier to manage your imports and keep your code organized. This can save you a lot of time and reduce the chances of errors caused by incorrect or missing imports.

Lazy Loading Modules

Auto import also plays a crucial role in optimizing your application’s performance by enabling lazy loading of modules. When you use the loadChildren syntax in your route configuration, the IDE can help you with auto importing the module you want to lazy load. This can help you avoid manual import errors and ensure that your lazy-loaded modules work as intended.

Custom Import Paths

Another advanced concept that auto import supports is custom import paths. With custom import paths, you can use aliases for commonly used directories or modules in your project. This can make your import statements more concise and easier to manage. Auto import can help you with these custom paths, ensuring that your imports are always accurate and up to date.

Best Practices for Auto Import

As you leverage the power of auto import in your Angular projects, there are a few best practices that you should keep in mind. It’s important to regularly organize and clean up your imports to keep your codebase tidy and maintainable. You should also be mindful of the dependencies that you are importing and avoid unnecessary or redundant imports. Lastly, it’s a good practice to keep an eye on your IDE’s auto import suggestions to ensure that you are making the most of its capabilities.


Auto import is a powerful feature that can greatly improve your productivity and the quality of your Angular projects. By mastering the advanced concepts and best practices of auto import, you can ensure that your imports are always accurate, organized, and efficient. This will ultimately lead to a more maintainable and scalable codebase for your Angular applications.

Thank you for reading Part 12 of the Auto Import in Angular series. Stay tuned for more tips and tricks on how to make the most of auto import in your Angular projects!