Angular Project Part 5: Top Bar Module for User and Notes Management

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Top bar Module | User and Notes Management | Angular Project | Part – 5

Top bar Module | User and Notes Management | Angular Project | Part – 5

Welcome to part 5 of our Angular project series. In this article, we will be focusing on the top bar module and user and notes management.

Top Bar Module

The top bar module is an essential part of any application as it provides easy navigation and access to important features. In our Angular project, we will be creating a top bar module that includes a navigation menu, user profile information, and notifications.

User and Notes Management

User and notes management is an important feature of our Angular project. Users will be able to create, update, and delete notes, as well as manage their profile information. This module will include user authentication, authorization, and permissions to ensure secure access to the application.

Angular Project

Our Angular project is an exciting endeavor that aims to create a user-friendly and efficient application for managing notes and user information. With the use of Angular framework, we can create a responsive and dynamic application that delivers a seamless user experience.

Part – 5

In part 5 of our project, we will be focusing on implementing the top bar module and user and notes management. This will involve creating components, services, and interfaces to handle navigation, user authentication, and notes management functionality.

Stay tuned for the next part of our Angular project series as we dive deeper into creating a robust and feature-rich application for user and notes management.

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6 months ago

00:02 Creating and injecting a toolbar component in Angular application
02:07 Adding top bar to admin layout
04:06 Customizing top bar component in Angular project
06:06 Creating user and notes management module in Angular project
08:10 Customizing profile icon and navigation links.
10:34 Configuring navigation links
12:42 Implementing router link active for highlighting active links
14:47 Handling navigation for profile and log out functionalities.