Angular Tutorial Series: Bangla Tutorial on 17 Custom Directives

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17 Angular Custom Directives | Angular Tutorial Series | Bangla Tutorial

17 Angular Custom Directives

Angular directives are a powerful feature that allows you to create custom HTML tags or attributes to enhance the functionality of your web application. In this tutorial, we will learn about 17 Angular custom directives in Bangla.

What are Angular Custom Directives?

Angular custom directives are extensions of HTML that allow you to create reusable components for your web application. They can be used to manipulate the DOM, add behavior to elements, or create new functionality that can be easily reused throughout your application.

Types of Angular Custom Directives

There are three types of Angular custom directives: component directives, attribute directives, and structural directives. Component directives are used to create reusable components, attribute directives to add behavior to elements, and structural directives to manipulate the DOM structure.

Creating a Custom Directive

To create a custom directive in Angular, you can use the @Directive decorator. This allows you to define the selector, template, and behavior of your custom directive. You can then use the directive in your HTML templates to add new functionality to your application.

Examples of Angular Custom Directives

Some examples of Angular custom directives include creating a custom dropdown menu, adding validation to form fields, or creating a custom tooltip for elements. These directives can be easily reused throughout your application to enhance the user experience.


Angular custom directives are a powerful feature that allows you to extend the functionality of HTML and create reusable components for your web application. By learning how to create and use custom directives, you can enhance the user experience and create a more dynamic and interactive web application.