Angular Tutorial Series: Exploring Lazy Loading and Router Outlet with Angular Router | Bangla Guide

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Angular Router Tutorial

Angular Router Tutorial Series in Bangla

Welcome to our Angular tutorial series in Bangla! In this series, we will be covering various topics related to Angular, and in this particular article, we will be focusing on Angular Router, Lazy Loading, and Router Outlet.

What is Angular Router?

The Angular Router is a powerful tool that allows you to handle navigation in your Angular application. It enables you to define different routes for different components and navigate between them seamlessly.

Lazy Loading

Lazy loading is a technique in which you only load the modules or components when they are needed. This can greatly improve the performance of your Angular application, especially if you have a large codebase.

Router Outlet

The router outlet is a directive that acts as a placeholder for the component that the router navigates to. It allows you to dynamically load different components based on the current route.

Stay Tuned for More

We hope you find this tutorial series helpful and informative. Be sure to stay tuned for more articles on Angular and other related topics in Bangla!