
Angular Tutorials: How to Drag & Drop in a Jira Ticket Board

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Drag & Drop In Angular | Jira Ticket Board in Angular | Angular Tutorials

Drag & Drop In Angular | Jira Ticket Board in Angular | Angular Tutorials

Angular is a popular JavaScript framework for building web applications. It provides various features and tools to simplify the development process. In this article, we will explore how to implement drag and drop functionality in Angular and build a Jira ticket board using Angular.

Drag & Drop In Angular

Drag and drop is a common interaction pattern in web applications. With Angular, implementing drag and drop functionality is relatively easy using the Angular CDK (Component Dev Kit). The CDK provides a set of tools to simplify common interaction patterns, including drag and drop.

To implement drag and drop in Angular, you can use the cdkDrag directive to make an element draggable and the cdkDropList directive to define a drop zone. You can also use the cdkDragStarted, cdkDragMoved, and cdkDragReleased events to handle drag and drop interactions.

Jira Ticket Board in Angular

Jira is a popular project management tool used by many development teams. Building a Jira ticket board in Angular can be a great way to practice building interactive and dynamic user interfaces. You can use Angular to create a Kanban-style ticket board with drag and drop functionality to manage and prioritize tasks effectively.

By leveraging the Angular CDK, you can easily create a Jira-like ticket board with draggable cards representing different tasks. You can use the cdkDrag and cdkDropList directives to enable drag and drop functionality for the tickets, and use Angular’s data binding and component-based architecture to manage the state and interactions of the ticket board.

Angular Tutorials

There are plenty of tutorials and resources available online to help you learn and master Angular. You can find comprehensive tutorials on the official Angular website, as well as on other coding education platforms such as Udemy, Coursera, and Pluralsight. These tutorials cover everything from the basics of Angular to advanced topics such as reactive forms, routing, and state management.

Additionally, you can find in-depth tutorials on specific topics such as drag and drop, creating interactive user interfaces, and building Jira-like ticket boards. These tutorials often include step-by-step instructions, code examples, and explanations of best practices to help you gain a deeper understanding of Angular and its capabilities.

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Pratik Powale
7 months ago

Thank you buddy !

Minh Hiểu Đỗ
7 months ago

Thanks for sharing 🎉🎉, i have a question how to drop item at specific row in column? Thanks

mayuri hajare
7 months ago

Very nice..added extra knowledge..

namrata Khangar
7 months ago

Great topic sir

7 months ago

Good one.thanks for sharing

Nandkishor Dhangar
7 months ago

Sir You are Doing Very Good job please make more video on Angular and Also make some full stack or MEAN stack projects.

mahdi andalib
7 months ago

thx man you are the best… plz create full spa using angular and admin panel using api

7 months ago

Nice sir really for angular you are ultimate stop.