Angular with NgRx – Actions, State, and Reducer

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Angular com NgRx – Actions, State e Reducer

Angular com NgRx – Actions, State e Reducer

NgRx is a powerful library for managing state in Angular applications. It provides a way to manage state using a predictable and centralized state container. In this article, we will focus on NgRx actions, state, and reducers.


Actions in NgRx are used to describe events that occur in an application. They are simple objects that have a type property that identifies the action and an optional payload property that contains any data associated with the action. Actions are typically dispatched from components or services to notify the state management system that something has happened.


The state in NgRx represents the current state of the application. It is an immutable data structure that contains all of the application’s data. State is typically divided into feature states, each of which represents a specific area of the application. For example, a todo application might have a todo state that contains all of the todo items, and a filter state that contains the current filter settings.


Reducers in NgRx are functions that take the current state and an action, and return a new state. They are responsible for updating the state in response to actions. Reducers are pure functions, meaning they do not have any side effects and always produce the same output for a given input. This makes them easy to test and reason about.

Here is an example of a simple reducer in NgRx:

      function todoReducer(state = initialState, action: Action) {
        switch(action.type) {
          case ADD_TODO:
            return {
              todos: [...state.todos, action.payload]
          case TOGGLE_TODO:
            return {
              todos: => {
                if ( === action.payload) {
                  return {
                    completed: !todo.completed
                } else {
                  return todo;
            return state;

Actions, state, and reducers are the building blocks of NgRx. By using these concepts, you can create a well-structured and maintainable state management system for your Angular applications.

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Danniel Sousa
10 months ago

Ótimo video. Gratidão pelas explicações. Ajudou muito em uma dúvida que eu estava tendo. Muito obrigado!

Marcus Vinicius
10 months ago

Essa abordagem ela elimina os services??? Seria legal o vídeos sobre clean code archetute.

Christopher Paixão
10 months ago

Muito boa aula, tranquilo, explicação fácil de compreender mesmo com um assunto que é complexo no início. Obrigado pelo material

Danilo Teixeira
10 months ago

Uma dúvida, como vc deixou o ícone dos arquivos do store com o símbolo do NgRx, isso facilita muito na hora de localizar o arquivo

Bruno Costa
10 months ago

Muito bom os vídeos de NGRX, me ajudaram bastante. Parabéns! Você vai continuar a série?

Antonio Roberto
10 months ago

Show Fernando
O Tiozão esta comecando a se interessar pelo assunto e criar
O seu Tio é fanzaço

Sanderson Barbosa Torres
10 months ago

Parabens, show de bola