
AngularJS ng-repeat does not apply default filtering

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AngularJS comes with a built-in filtering mechanism that allows you to easily filter data in your ng-repeat directive. However, there are cases where the default filtering may not work as expected. In this tutorial, we will explore some common reasons why default filtering may not be happening in ng-repeat and how to fix them.

  1. Check the ng-model value

One of the most common reasons why default filtering is not happening in ng-repeat is due to the value of the ng-model not matching with the data being displayed in the ng-repeat. Make sure that the value of the ng-model is correctly bound to the data being displayed in the ng-repeat.

For example, if you have a list of items in an array called ‘items’, and you are using ng-model="search" for filtering, make sure that the items are being filtered based on the ‘search’ value. If the value of ‘items’ is not being filtered correctly, then the default filtering may not work as expected.

  1. Check the filter expression

Another reason why default filtering may not be happening in ng-repeat is due to the filter expression being incorrect. The filter expression is used to filter the data based on the input value provided by the user. Make sure that the filter expression is correctly set up in the ng-repeat directive.

For example, if you are using the filter expression like ng-repeat="item in items | filter:search", make sure that the filter expression is correctly filtering the data based on the ‘search’ value. If the filter expression is not set up correctly, then the default filtering may not work as expected.

  1. Check for typos or syntax errors

Sometimes, default filtering may not work due to typos or syntax errors in the ng-repeat directive. Make sure to check for any typos or syntax errors in the ng-repeat directive. Check for any misspellings, missing brackets, or incorrect syntax that may be causing the default filtering to not work as expected.

  1. Use the $filter service

If the default filtering is still not happening in ng-repeat, you can use the $filter service provided by AngularJS to manually filter the data. The $filter service allows you to create custom filters and apply them to your data. You can use the filter method provided by the $filter service to filter the data based on the input value.

For example, you can create a custom filter like:

$scope.customFilter = function (item) {
   return item.name.indexOf($scope.search) !== -1;

And then apply this custom filter in the ng-repeat directive like:

<div ng-repeat="item in items | filter:customFilter">{{ item.name }}</div>

By using the $filter service, you can have more control over the filtering process and ensure that the data is being filtered correctly.

In conclusion, default filtering in ng-repeat may not work as expected due to various reasons such as incorrect ng-model value, filter expression, typos, or syntax errors. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can troubleshoot and fix any issues with default filtering in ng-repeat. Additionally, you can use the $filter service provided by AngularJS to create custom filters and apply them to your data for more control over the filtering process.