
AngularJS Part 2: Intermediate Concepts

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Understanding Angular JS Part #2

Understanding Angular JS Part #2

In our previous article, we introduced Angular JS and discussed its features and benefits. In this article, we will dive deeper into Angular JS and explore its core concepts and functionality.

Data binding

One of the key features of Angular JS is its two-way data binding. This means that when the model changes, the view is automatically updated, and vice versa. This allows for a seamless and dynamic user experience, as the user interface is always in sync with the underlying data.


Angular JS extends HTML with new attributes called directives. These directives are markers on a DOM element which tell Angular JS’s HTML compiler to attach a specified behavior to that DOM element. This allows for the creation of custom elements and attributes to enhance the functionality of the application.


Controllers in Angular JS are JavaScript functions that are bound to a scope. They are the business logic behind views, and are responsible for making data available to the view through the scope object. Controllers can also be used to handle user input and respond to events.


Services are reusable components in Angular JS that can be injected into controllers, directives, filters, and other services. They are used to organize and share code across the application, and can be used to provide functionality such as fetching data from a server, logging messages, or performing calculations.


Filters in Angular JS can be used to format data before it is displayed to the user. They can be used to sort and filter arrays, format dates and numbers, and manipulate strings. Filters can be chained together in a pipe, allowing for complex transformations of the data.


Angular JS is a powerful and versatile framework for building dynamic web applications. With its two-way data binding, directives, controllers, services, and filters, Angular JS provides a robust set of tools for creating modern and responsive web applications. In our next article, we will explore some practical examples of using Angular JS to build real-world applications.

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Elbert Schoen
7 months ago

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