Angular’s Available Lifecycle Hooks: A Brief Overview

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Angular Lifecycle Hooks

What are lifecycle hooks available in Angular?

Angular provides a set of lifecycle hooks that allow developers to tap into the lifecycle of a component or directive and perform actions at specific times. These hooks can be used to perform tasks such as initialization, cleanup, and updating of data.

Some of the main lifecycle hooks available in Angular include:

  • ngOnChanges: This hook is called when the input properties of a component are changed. It receives a SimpleChanges object that contains the previous and current values of the properties.
  • ngOnInit: This hook is called once after the component has been initialized and its input properties have been set. It is commonly used for initialization tasks.
  • ngDoCheck: This hook is called during every change detection run and can be used to implement custom change detection logic.
  • ngAfterViewInit: This hook is called after the component’s view has been fully initialized. It is commonly used for tasks that require access to the DOM.
  • ngOnDestroy: This hook is called just before the component is destroyed and can be used for cleanup tasks such as unsubscribing from observables and releasing resources.

These lifecycle hooks provide developers with the flexibility to perform actions at different stages of a component or directive’s lifecycle, allowing for better control and optimization of the application.

When preparing for an Angular interview, it’s essential to have a good understanding of these lifecycle hooks and how they can be leveraged to build robust and efficient applications.