Angular’s Third Era is…unconventional

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Angular’s third era is definitely a departure from its previous versions, and some developers may find it a bit weird or confusing at first. However, once you understand the changes and new features, you’ll see that it actually makes a lot of sense and offers some great benefits for building modern web applications.

One of the biggest changes in Angular’s third era is the move towards a more component-based architecture. In previous versions of Angular, there was a focus on controllers and directives, but now the emphasis is on building reusable components that encapsulate both the template and the logic for a specific part of your application. This makes it easier to manage and maintain your code, as well as promote reusability and modularity.

Another key feature of Angular’s third era is the introduction of Angular Elements, which allows you to use Angular components in non-Angular applications. This means you can build components with Angular and then use them in any web application, regardless of the framework or library being used. This opens up a whole new world of possibilities for integrating Angular into existing projects or working with teams using different technologies.

Angular’s third era also includes improvements to the Angular CLI, making it easier to scaffold and build projects, as well as enhancements to the Angular Material design framework, which provides a set of pre-built components and themes for building beautiful user interfaces.

Overall, while Angular’s third era may feel weird at first, it ultimately offers a more flexible and powerful framework for building web applications. By embracing a component-based architecture, introducing Angular Elements, and improving tooling and resources, Angular is continuing to evolve and stay at the forefront of modern web development. So don’t be afraid to dive in and explore the weirdness – you may just find it to be exactly what you need for your next project.

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2 days ago

Angular is dead, but it's legacy (codebases) will never die 🙁

2 days ago

Sarah Drasner is a woke flagship figurehead that has no strong skills 🤮

2 days ago

Angular dead? The development community is rotten to the core, and clickbaiting too. Angular is, hands down, the best web-development framework out there by far. React and Vue are libraries (than end up being as big and heavy as frameworks like Angular when it comes to real-world projects) for fanboy developers who are scared of true advanced tools and follow stupid marketing trends.

2 days ago

Wiz, Angular, Polymer, Lit all doing the same thing. Absolutely Google way of doing things.

2 days ago

why do we need so many different choices in JS that do the same thing, especially with the fundamental things like frameworks, package repos etc. developers should not split their time on different things to become just mediocre, we need specialisation and we also need marketable skills, and some of us have a life too.

2 days ago

You are confusing bandwidth with time to reactive UI. Users in low bandwidth environments download videos.

2 days ago

15:08 i'm watching a lot of YouTube on bad train wifi

2 days ago

If the YouTube team is interested in improving performance on "low-end" devices, maybe they should uncouple resolution from framerate and finally let users enjoy FHD/QHD on their perfectly capable device that only struggles with the useless 60fps video of a guy talking…

2 days ago

So what now? Wangular?

2 days ago

Open Sauced on Top!

2 days ago

I'm done with those clickbaity titles and dumbass thumbnails. I've just unsubscribed the channel and not going back any time soon.
Theo often says that subscribing is free, guess what, unsubscribing is also free. Bye.

2 days ago

For them to agree with Angular being more focused on enterprise, you can't more honest with your product

2 days ago

1:10 The web does NOT call for "richer experiences". YOU are PRESSURING the web to be FORCE FED your bullshit. What the web needs right now is for it to turn away from your hyper-rich, Gigabyte big, slow and ultra-fancy frameworks. JUST RETURN TO THE GOOD OLD HTML, CSS AND PURE JS

2 days ago

Please don't talk about the Angular if you haven't worked with it, it seems you have opinions about it from 10 years ago, please stop.
And the clickbaity titles aren't helping you either.
p.s. I'm not subscribed or someting, but I sometimes get your videos recommended because I follow web dev, but you my friend, are far from it, you seem like a type of person who only likes one tehnology and uses others to cause some kind of negative attidute against them which is not an engineering mindset at all :/

2 days ago

Transition from 1.5.8 to 2nd was so smooth experience. Unforgettable and unforgivable to a point, that I rather create my own JS framework, then come back to it.

2 days ago

I'm (mostly) an Angular dev and I watch your stuff to keep up to date with the wider FE landscape. It's really cool to see you talking about Angular at the minute because it does feel like an exciting time for the framework and I think it would be a shame if creators ignored it just because it's Angular.

2 days ago

Did my part by testing out signals here, can confirm, the subscribe button worked.

2 days ago

Server side rendering, server side components, data binding…. all we are missing are GOTOs and we're back to Visual Basic baby!

2 days ago

I was using Angular partly for the stability and now … ugh

2 days ago

oh boy, wiz like piss?

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