
API for Linking Friends

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Friend Linker API is a powerful tool for developers looking to enhance their applications with social media integration. This API allows users to easily find and connect with their friends on various social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more.

In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of using the Friend Linker API to authenticate users, fetch their friend lists, and even send friend requests. By following this tutorial, you will be able to quickly and efficiently integrate social media features into your application.

Step 1: Obtaining API Key
The first step in using the Friend Linker API is to obtain an API key. You can do this by signing up for an account on the Friend Linker website and generating an API key through the dashboard. Keep this API key safe and secure, as it will be used to authenticate your requests to the API.

Step 2: Authenticating Users
To authenticate users using the Friend Linker API, you will need to redirect them to the authentication endpoint with your API key as a parameter. Upon successful authentication, the API will return an authentication token that you can use to make subsequent requests on behalf of the user.


Step 3: Fetching Friend List
Once you have obtained an authentication token, you can use it to fetch the user’s friend list from their social media accounts. You can do this by making a GET request to the friend list endpoint with the authentication token as a header.

GET https://api.friendlinker.com/friends

The API will return a list of the user’s friends, along with their social media profiles. You can use this information to display the user’s friends within your application or perform other social media related actions.

Step 4: Sending Friend Requests
If your application allows users to send friend requests, you can use the Friend Linker API to facilitate this process. Simply make a POST request to the friend request endpoint with the user’s friend’s ID and the authentication token as a header.

POST https://api.friendlinker.com/request
  "friend_id": "FRIEND_ID"

The API will handle the friend request on behalf of the user and return a success message upon completion.

Step 5: Error Handling
In the event of an error, the Friend Linker API will return an appropriate HTTP status code along with an error message. Make sure to handle these errors gracefully within your application to provide a seamless user experience.

In conclusion, the Friend Linker API is a versatile tool for developers looking to enhance their applications with social media integration. By following this tutorial, you can quickly and efficiently authenticate users, fetch their friend lists, and even send friend requests. With these features at your disposal, you can create a more engaging and interactive user experience for your application.

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