Art[Kivy] – Designing Beautiful Login Screens

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How not to design an ugly login screen

Art[Kivy] – How not to design an ugly login screen

When it comes to creating a login screen for your app, design is often overlooked in favor of functionality. However, a well-designed login screen can make a significant impact on the user experience and can set the tone for the rest of the app. In this article, we’ll explore some tips on how not to design an ugly login screen using the Kivy framework for creating beautiful and functional user interfaces.

Choose a cohesive color scheme

One way to avoid creating an ugly login screen is to choose a cohesive color scheme that reflects the overall aesthetic of your app. Avoid using clashing colors or garish combinations, as this can create a jarring and unpleasant experience for the user. Instead, opt for a harmonious color palette that is pleasing to the eye and reinforces the branding of your app.

Use clean and legible fonts

The fonts you choose for your login screen can also have a significant impact on its overall design. Avoid using overly ornate or difficult-to-read fonts, as this can make the login screen appear cluttered and unprofessional. Instead, opt for clean and legible fonts that are easy on the eyes and complement the overall design of the app.

Prioritize simplicity and clarity

When designing a login screen, it’s important to prioritize simplicity and clarity. Avoid overwhelming the user with unnecessary information or cluttered design elements. Instead, focus on creating a clean and uncluttered interface that guides the user through the login process with ease.

Pay attention to spacing and alignment

Proper spacing and alignment can make a world of difference when it comes to creating a well-designed login screen. Avoid cramming too many elements into a small space, as this can make the screen appear chaotic and unprofessional. Instead, pay attention to spacing and alignment to create a balanced and visually appealing layout.


By following these tips and utilizing the Kivy framework, you can create a login screen that is not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. Remember to choose a cohesive color scheme, use clean and legible fonts, prioritize simplicity and clarity, and pay attention to spacing and alignment. By doing so, you can ensure that your login screen is an attractive and inviting entry point for your app.

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6 months ago

Thanks for your work.

6 months ago

That's a real pleasure , that I found your channel , keep up the good work

6 months ago

Could you also teach how to deployed such applications to android/i phones?You cant use kv app for mobile development.

6 months ago

Nice coures thank you so much..