Audio Reveals 2020 Oval Office Meeting Where Trump was Briefed on Fake Electors Plot

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New audio details oval office meeting from 2020 when Trump was briefed on fake electors plot

Recently released audio recordings from December 2020 have shed new light on a meeting that took place in the Oval Office, where then-President Donald Trump was briefed on a plot to send fake electors to key battleground states in an effort to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.

In the audio, Trump can be heard discussing the plan with his allies, including former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and attorney John Eastman. The plan involved sending alternate slates of electors to Congress in an attempt to invalidate the certified election results in swing states that Trump had lost to Joe Biden.

During the meeting, Trump can be heard expressing his support for the plan, saying, “I think it’s a great idea. It’s a brilliant idea.”

The release of the audio recordings has sparked outrage among Trump’s critics, who argue that they provide further evidence of the former president’s efforts to subvert the democratic process and cling to power through illegitimate means.

Legal experts have also weighed in, noting that the plan to send fake electors to Congress would have been illegal and unconstitutional. Some have suggested that it could have amounted to an attempt to overthrow the government.

The audio recordings have reignited calls for accountability for Trump and his allies who were involved in the plot. Some have called for Meadows and Eastman to be subpoenaed to testify before Congress about their roles in the plan, and there have been renewed calls for a thorough investigation into Trump’s actions following the election.

The release of the audio recordings comes at a time when the issue of election integrity and attempts to undermine the democratic process have been at the forefront of national debate. In recent months, numerous Republican-led efforts to enact stricter voting laws and conduct partisan audits of the 2020 election results have sparked concerns about the future of fair and free elections in the United States.

As the audio details of the Oval Office meeting continue to make headlines, it remains to be seen what, if any, legal or political consequences will arise from the revelations. But one thing is clear: the recordings have provided a chilling glimpse into the efforts of some of the highest-ranking officials in the country to undermine the will of the voters and overturn the results of a democratic election.

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6 months ago

This poor stupid guy was hoping to be another Adolf Hitler lackey.

6 months ago

How do you define a grifter like Trump.
You charge him $10 million dollars upfront and when he defies your orders, you just walk away with his $10 million.

6 months ago

Who are these about on sixth of American society who are always Trumpers? I genuinely do not get it. Maybe militia gun nuts and incells, but the granny or the suburban family, why do want to be ruled by a criminal? I might not like republican policies, but there are a few with some sanity and. sense of civic duty. This rump is the opposite of that? It baffles me that anyone can support this criminal and look themselves in the mirror.

6 months ago

Liz Chaney is one of the old school, legitimate, honorable members of the Republican Party. Yet the right wing politicians don't want any moderates. They refuse to work with Democrats in any meaningful way, and lately appear to be resistant to doing any meaningful work for their constituents, particularly in the House. Why? Its simple, they want a tyranny. They won't stop until America has become a dictatorship. It will end Every person's freedoms, both those from the left and right equally. Ever wonder How Hitler and Moussolini gained power? Insidiously, like snakes through cracks you didn't know existed under the door of your well built house. Just like MAGA is doing. Wake up Americans, you're going to be responsible for destroying the largest, most successful democracy ever created, all because you're gullible and refuse to inform yourselves with facts. Ignorance is the dictator's best friend, it's the reason that control over media is the first thing they go after. Read a little more history, just a bit, and stop wasting all your time on social media. Eeh gads!!

6 months ago

When trump delays the court hes
Trying to worm his way back to president, so that he could pardon himself for crimes he knows hes guilty of. Who in their right mind
Would put a worm as president
Knowing hes against our constitution, this is how far the magats have slipped into stupor.

6 months ago

I respect Raskin a great deal, but I think that he got US Article 1, section 3, clause 7 wrong! This clause specifically pertains to impeachment and the conviction process, detailing that a Potus who Congress removed from office can be tried in a court. However, DJT was never convicted in either of his impeachments, so I would argue that this section is not applicable. It seems to me that the POTUS, does indeed answer only to congress until such time as he has been removed from office and can be tried as an ordinary citizen. Beyond that, POTUS does operate with legal impunity. Similarly, POTUS can be impeached and convicted and removed for whatever congress deems a "high crime or misdemeanor" without any need to cite law.

6 months ago

At that level, in every room, there is at one simp for the boss. In the Oval Office, that simp was Cheesy Chesebro.

6 months ago

Trump for prison!

6 months ago

Rankin for President! The road to this is for Biden to acknowledge his age risk and deliberately select a running mate who would be readily acceptable for office. Harris has proved herself a capable VP but does not have the support sufficient for the highest office. This is driving much of the uncertainty concerning the Democrats' immediate electability despite their strong record over the past 3 years.

6 months ago

Well of course they didn’t want anyone to know about the shady closed door plans they were discussing. It would mean they couldn’t get their wannabe dictator re-elected. Let’s not forget they could all go to prison.

6 months ago

I would vote for Jamie for president.

6 months ago

Thank you for calling him ex-president. It wouldn't bother me if ex-president was used each and every time the news refers to him.

6 months ago

What about the fake traitor president?

6 months ago

Oh! So it was planned.

6 months ago


6 months ago


6 months ago

Raskin is a brilliant man. He is the type of person who should be considered for president of the greatest country ever to exist! 🇺🇸

6 months ago

Jaimie Raskin is so smart and able to explaine what needs to be said.

6 months ago

It is irritating to see ‘alternate’ used instead of ‘alternative’, I have to mentally translate the meaning intended.

6 months ago

I sure do like Jamie Rampskin❗️He and Katie Porter would make an excellent team for Preseident and VP. I can't say one would be better than the other in each position. I have liked Katie Porter since the first time she pulled out her white board, as though she needed to be sure Republicans understood what the issue is/was they were in a committee for‼️Rampskin I saw for the first time in action during the January 6th Committee hearing. WOW❗️ Both of them are savie, smart, well educated, actually know our laws, and have read both our Constitution and it's admendments. Something I can't say about 70 % of Republicans currently holding offices locally, on state level, and federal level.
I realize I am a history buff, and really wanted to teach secondary education History, or Political science, but was told I'd never get a job doing either, as those postions were for the school coaches to teach part time.
But I have always had an ongoing interest in politics in the USA. It's history, formation, and all the people who have had a hand in improving what our founding fathers started. Our Constitution is not written in stone. It is static and can be improved on. But not degressed on. I am VERY concerned that the democratic party is wearing blinders and is not seeing or hearing what other Democrtes are trying to tell them.
Get someone else in there to run for office, besides Biden!I am VERY concerned that the democratic party is wearing blinders and is not seeing or hearing what other Democrtes are trying to tell them. Get someone else in there to run for office besides Biden!