
August 2022: An In-Depth Exploration of Integrating Angular Single-Page Applications with Azure AD using MSAL.js

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Deep Dive on using MSAL.js to integrate Angular single-page applications with Azure AD – August 2022

Deep Dive on using MSAL.js to integrate Angular single-page applications with Azure AD

Welcome to our deep dive into integrating Angular single-page applications (SPAs) with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) using MSAL.js. In August 2022, we explore the powerful capabilities of MSAL.js and its seamless integration with Angular.

Angular is a popular JavaScript framework for building SPAs, and Azure AD provides robust authentication and authorization services. By combining these technologies, we can create secure and scalable applications. MSAL.js, an open-source library provided by Microsoft, simplifies the integration process by providing easy-to-use APIs, enabling developers to add authentication and access token functionality effortlessly.

Why MSAL.js for Angular and Azure AD Integration?

MSAL.js stands for Microsoft Authentication Library for JavaScript. It is designed to handle authentication flows in various scenarios, including single-page applications. With MSAL.js, developers can easily implement Azure AD authentication, acquire access tokens, and manage user sessions.

Integrating MSAL.js with Angular enables developers to build secure applications that leverage the power of Azure AD. Whether it’s authenticating users, protecting routes, or making secure API calls, MSAL.js simplifies the process with its intuitive APIs and excellent documentation.

Key Features of MSAL.js

MSAL.js offers several essential features that make it a go-to choice for Angular-Azure AD integration:

  1. Authentication Flows: MSAL.js supports popular authentication flows like Authorization Code Flow, Implicit Flow, and Device Code Flow. Developers have the flexibility to choose the flow that best suits their application requirements.
  2. Access Tokens: Obtaining access tokens for protected resources is made seamless with MSAL.js. It handles token acquisition and renewal, ensuring secure interactions between your Angular app and Azure AD-protected APIs.
  3. Session Management: MSAL.js enables developers to manage user sessions efficiently. Whether it’s silent token renewal, token caching, or handling session expiration, MSAL.js takes care of it all.
  4. Microsoft Identity Platform: MSAL.js is built on the Microsoft Identity Platform, providing a trusted and scalable authentication mechanism. It supports both personal Microsoft accounts and Azure AD accounts seamlessly.

Getting Started

Integrating MSAL.js with Angular is a straightforward process. Begin by installing the MSAL.js library using npm:

$ npm install msal

Once installed, import the required modules and initialize MSAL.js in your Angular application. Follow the comprehensive documentation and code examples provided by Microsoft to guide you through the integration process.


August 2022 brings us exciting possibilities for integrating Angular SPAs with Azure AD using MSAL.js. The library’s extensive features, flexibility, and seamless integration make it a fantastic choice for developers looking to build secure and scalable applications.

By leveraging the power of Azure AD and the simplicity of Angular, developers can create robust and user-friendly applications that adhere to modern security standards. MSAL.js simplifies the integration process and empowers developers to focus on delivering business value.

So, dive into the deep end and start integrating Angular SPAs with Azure AD using MSAL.js today!

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asdfasdf q
7 months ago

4:02 Burp from hell

Ashutosh Dubey
7 months ago

Is there any way we can get the client id and tenant id from backend service and then use it in MSAL Factory instance . Please share if anyone has done that

Tu Nguyen
7 months ago

Thanks for sharing it. I have implemented the codes and it worked. But, I have a problem using tokens and sending a request to Web API. How can I authorize the token in web API?

dishank shah
7 months ago

Thank you for such a nice video. It will help a lot !!!!!!

Frank Romeo
7 months ago

I'm getting a problem with the dependency injection of the MsalService "constructor(private msalService: MsalService)". It compiles, but then I can an error that says, "Can't resolve all parameters for MsalService". Searching this error indicates that it's usually due to some circular dependencies, but my imports are exactly as they are in the video. Is anyone else having this problem?

Siddhant Tambe
7 months ago

Where can I get this sample code project from?
Links please?

Kenneth Stanley
7 months ago

Hi, All. Is there a way to dynamically change tenants based on which login button is clicked? We have an employee login B2B and a supplier login B2C. I have been unable to find any repositories that show this type of example. I know that MSAL 2 is capable of dynamic changes but unsure how to implement it correctly in Angular.

7 months ago

Hi all, I have a very simple question I guess. I want to call the loginRedirect method not on a button click but instead automatically on the app start, before anything else renders. Is there an easy built-in way in Angular MSAL? Thanks!

Binny Chopra
7 months ago

Unable to perform routing after logging in and even on reload, it asks to sign in again, could you please help ? It's urgent.

Alexandru G.
7 months ago

I really want to know your VS Code theme.

Manoj Maheshwari
7 months ago

can you prepare a similar kind of video for Azure AD B2C?

Bhoopalan I
7 months ago

Are there any reference on how to use MSAL for sign up? All I could see is sign in and signout

Emma Arce
7 months ago

Fantastic video, thanks! The examples are super useful

Lyubomyr Plakhotnyuk
7 months ago

What if I have not a Single page application URIs, but Web, any differences/additions to be done ? I receive an error : Cross-origin token redemption is permitted only for the 'Single-Page Application' client-type.

mahmood amer
7 months ago

when i logout the application asks which account you want to logout how can i bypass selection

pravin dongardive
7 months ago

HI, Thank you for valuable video it's really help me. Could you please tell me if there any possibility to get refresh token for ID and Access token, Before expires the ID and Access token.

Kalyan Krishna
7 months ago

Link to previous video – Using MSAL.js to integrate React Single-page applications with Azure Active Directory –

LLoyd George
7 months ago

Can you please provide a link to the previous one which was about react msal integration?