Authenticating with Pinterest using Node.js and Express: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Pinterest is a popular social media platform where users can discover ideas and inspiration for various topics such as home decor, recipes, fashion, and more. In this tutorial, we will learn how to authenticate with Pinterest using Node.js and Express.

Before we begin, make sure you have Node.js and npm installed on your machine. You can check if they are installed by running the following commands in your terminal:

node --version
npm --version

If you don’t have Node.js and npm installed, you can download and install them from the official Node.js website.

Step 1: Create a Pinterest Developer Account

To authenticate with Pinterest, you will need to create a Pinterest Developer account and create a new application. Follow these steps to create a Pinterest Developer account:

  1. Go to the Pinterest Developer website:
  2. Click on the “Get Started” button.
  3. Sign in with your Pinterest account or create a new one.
  4. Once you are signed in, click on “Create app” to create a new application.
  5. Fill in the required information including the name of your app, description, category, and website URL.
  6. Once you have created your app, you will be provided with a Client ID and Client Secret which you will need to authenticate with Pinterest.

Step 2: Set Up a Node.js Project

Now that you have created a Pinterest Developer account and obtained your Client ID and Client Secret, let’s set up a new Node.js project.

  1. Create a new directory for your project and navigate to it in your terminal.
  2. Run the following command to create a new package.json file:
npm init -y
  1. Install the necessary dependencies by running the following command:
npm install express axios dotenv
  1. Create a new file called app.js and require the necessary modules:
const express = require('express');
const axios = require('axios');

Step 3: Implement Authentication with Pinterest

Now that we have set up our Node.js project and installed the necessary dependencies, let’s implement authentication with Pinterest.

  1. Create a new route in your app.js file to handle the authentication process:
app.get('/auth/pinterest', (req, res) => {
  const redirectUri = `http://localhost:3000/auth/pinterest/callback`;
  const clientId = process.env.PINTEREST_CLIENT_ID;

  const url = `${clientId}&redirect_uri=${redirectUri}&scope=read_public,write_public`;

  1. Create another route to handle the callback from Pinterest after authentication:
app.get('/auth/pinterest/callback', async (req, res) => {
  const clientId = process.env.PINTEREST_CLIENT_ID;
  const clientSecret = process.env.PINTEREST_CLIENT_SECRET;
  const code = req.query.code;
  const redirectUri = `http://localhost:3000/auth/pinterest/callback`;

  const data = {
    grant_type: 'authorization_code',
    client_id: clientId,
    client_secret: clientSecret,
    code: code

  const response = await'', data);
  const accessToken =;

  // Save the accessToken to use in future requests
  1. Make sure to include your Client ID and Client Secret in a .env file in the root of your project:

Step 4: Start the Express Server

Finally, start your Express server by adding the following code to your app.js file:

const PORT = 3000;

app.listen(PORT, () => {
  console.log(`Server is running on http://localhost:${PORT}`);

You can now run your Node.js application by running the following command in your terminal:

node app.js

Navigate to http://localhost:3000/auth/pinterest in your browser to initiate the authentication process with Pinterest.

Congratulations! You have successfully authenticated with Pinterest using Node.js and Express. You can now make requests to the Pinterest API using the access token you obtained during the authentication process.

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