Authoritarian Narcissist: Paul Ryan’s Candid Opinion of Trump

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Former Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, recently made headlines with his candid opinions of former President Donald Trump. In an interview with Politico’s Tim Alberta, Ryan referred to Trump as an “authoritarian narcissist” and shared his concerns about the state of the Republican Party.

Ryan, who served as Speaker from 2015 to 2019, has been relatively quiet since leaving office. However, his comments about Trump shed light on the inner workings of the Republican Party and the challenges it faces in a post-Trump era.

In the interview, Ryan expressed his belief that Trump did not fully understand the role of the presidency and was more focused on his own self-interest. He also criticized Trump’s handling of the 2020 election, stating that his claims of election fraud were “not right” and that it was “damaging” to democracy.

The former Speaker’s remarks have sparked a new wave of discussion about the future of the Republican Party and how it can move forward in the aftermath of Trump’s presidency. Many Republicans have been grappling with the question of whether to continue aligning themselves with Trump or to distance themselves from his divisive tactics.

Ryan’s comments also highlight the ongoing debate within the party about the direction it should take in the years to come. Some Republicans believe that Trump’s brand of politics is still popular and should continue to be embraced, while others, like Ryan, are pushing for a more traditional approach to governance.

It’s clear that the Republican Party is at a crossroads, and the opinions of influential figures like Paul Ryan will have a significant impact on its future. His willingness to speak out against Trump and voice his concerns about the direction of the party signals a potential shift in the GOP’s strategy.

Regardless of where the Republican Party goes from here, Paul Ryan’s candid opinions of Trump have sparked a necessary conversation about the role of leadership and the future of the GOP. As the party continues to navigate its post-Trump identity, it will be interesting to see how Ryan’s remarks shape the political landscape in the years to come.

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6 months ago

Paul Ryan did his Rino job well . He supported open borders and kept the wars going . Just like Nikki Haley will do.

6 months ago

He’s jealous 😂😂😂

6 months ago

Ryan is an open borders,Chamber of Commerce, globalist.
An enemy of white working people.

6 months ago

Donor billionaire class leaning on weak, sell out, and loser "Republican" Paul Ryan to attack Trump.

6 months ago

Don't forget about the new CNN schedule and I really wouldn't keep saying that about re-election because I have seen it twice and they can't seem to stop the bus once it gets started.

6 months ago

It's the morons that follow him that have me worried. They were getting all exicited last week at the idea of a dictator for a president. When you get people with that little grasp of reality you have a serious problem.

6 months ago

Republicans hated Paul Ryan. He’s corrupt.

6 months ago

Little too late. I really hope ppl vote with their heart not by any crazy rhetoric words that trump says

6 months ago

meanwhile ure not interested in biden destroying america trump was right u guys are fake news

6 months ago

The republicans know what trump is…don't kid yourself. They even know he is a one man walking crime-spree hell-bent on power. But if they see a chance to benefit themselves by throwing the entire nation under they bus, they will do so in a heartbeat.

6 months ago

Ryan had to work with everyone wile in office so out of office he can speak without immediate consequences in his job basically Trump is poison if you dont do what Trump expects

6 months ago

These are the apologists and enablers who gave us fentanyl joe and his tax-cheat crime family

6 months ago

Their going to lose and get no where anyway you might as well be able to live with a better conscious

6 months ago

Narcissist's and their flying monkeys will ALWAYS turn against you you are only good and long as your willing to be used and it's always one sided and if they do one thing for you and you owe them your life their loyal to none but expect it from all they will always betray you and control by intimidation and fear those who refuse to leave this God forsaken cult will loose everything including their careers joy and their saniy

6 months ago

As a Long-time, 2nd generation…clear headed Republican(Who voted for Biden in 2020), I am deeply saddened, that one man…who is SOOO morally debased, so unethical, so anti-American, so vulgar and who is a 4-time draft dodger….can have control of not only the party…but the portion of the public, that is his supporters. He exposed to us, those citizens, who are actually very un-American…who openly embrace Authoritarianism, dictatorships, loss of rule of law and…who would storm the capitol of the United States of America…like a China or Russia would LOVE to do. they killed and severely injured police. They disgraced the very symbol of our nation. At the end of the insurrection, that very same day, Trump siad to the violators: "We know you're good people…we love love you!". And A lawmaker, Trump cultist…Rep. (R)Marjorie Taylor-Greene, called those who were involved and arrested, "True Patriots", and "Political prisoners". Truly…truly, disgusting, sad and UN-American.

6 months ago

Paul Ryan is being honest. He recognised that the GOP base had move towards an anti-democratic stance under Trump. Whether it makes a difference to GOP moderates, that should rather vote Biden to keep Trump out I have zero clue. What should be worrying the GOP billionaires is that there would be no reason not to come for their wealth in a second term as he truly knows his own wealth. He could claim (and his supporters say he was smart) that he kept his values low for tax purposes, whilst paying for a foreign war by taxing the wealthiest. If to stay in power you think he would not tax billionaires more (whilst claiming he was smart) not to pay it you are dumb. He could not tax his voters more. Make cuts? Most, yeah. But the GOP know that medicade cuts are now a huge vote loser. You can cut the IRS to the bone, but when the country gets less money in taxes it stalls. His supporters will struggle. Cut welfare? The Democrats will quickly raise the spectre of veterans that are homeless. Trump is a narcassistic sociopath, whose only demand is an audience love him. If he struggles with that, they will be lesser at his tirades.

6 months ago

Haley backer being honest.
Haley would be better than Trump.

6 months ago

I hope that when Trump gets back in there, he's improved at being a fascist. he was such a lame fascist, I remember when his supporters chanted "lock her up," and Trump was all magnanimous, saying how the campaign was over, and we should all unite. Then, he was a poor commander for his insurrection. His followers loaded their muskets and shot down Commander Sick Nick, who, with his dying breath, told his troop to resist to the "last man, to the last bullet." But, his troops were all a bunch of young boys who started crying "we're breached" and they ran away. But Trumps militia suddenly had no muskets once they got in the Capitol, instead of sacking the Capitol and overthrowing the regime, they just milled around and put their feet on desks. Trump needs to work on his fascism. They are trying to imprison him for the rest of his life, and he's just there like, "secure the border."

6 months ago

Piss off Paul Ryan. He supported Trump when he thought it would serve his interests. Another despicable republican.

6 months ago
