Azure Friday: Improved Support for Next.js in Azure Static Web Apps

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Enhanced Hybrid Next.js Support in Azure Static Web Apps | Azure Friday

Enhanced Hybrid Next.js Support in Azure Static Web Apps | Azure Friday

Microsoft has recently announced enhanced hybrid Next.js support in Azure Static Web Apps, which is expected to provide developers with a seamless and efficient development experience.

With the enhanced hybrid Next.js support, developers will be able to leverage the full power of Next.js while also benefiting from the advantages of Azure Static Web Apps. This means that developers can take advantage of server-side rendering, incremental static regeneration, and other Next.js features, while also enjoying the benefits of static hosting and serverless APIs provided by Azure Static Web Apps.

This new feature is expected to make it easier for developers to build and deploy modern web applications that require the performance and scalability of server-side rendering, while also benefiting from the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of static hosting and serverless APIs.

In addition to the enhanced hybrid Next.js support, Azure Static Web Apps also provides a number of other features and capabilities that make it a compelling choice for web development. These include seamless integration with Azure services, built-in CI/CD workflows, and automatic scaling and high availability.

Overall, the enhanced hybrid Next.js support in Azure Static Web Apps is expected to further streamline the development and deployment process for modern web applications, and provide developers with a powerful and flexible platform for building and hosting their projects.

For more information about the enhanced hybrid Next.js support in Azure Static Web Apps, developers can watch the latest episode of Azure Friday, where Microsoft experts discuss this exciting new feature and demonstrate its capabilities.

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Mat Bee
7 months ago

Okay but how is my CI/CD going to deploy using a vscode extension?

Tomas Jansson
7 months ago

Really interesting. Will it work with the new app folder as well?

Aleksey Filippov
7 months ago


Muthalagappan Muthiah
7 months ago

whats the difference between this (static web app with az function) and a node js app service

Kevin Comba
7 months ago

as a fun of reactjs & Nextjs…am supper excited with what is coming with azure static web apps

7 months ago

👋🏼🇨🇴🧔🏻👍🏼🤝🏻 Saludos desde la ciudad de Bogotá D.C.

Christopher Haws
7 months ago

How are you supposed to handle database deployments with preview environments?