Basic Interface for Downloading Videos with Python PyTube

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Python PyTube Video Downloader Basic Interface

Python PyTube Video Downloader Basic Interface

If you want to build a basic interface for a video downloader using Python, PyTube is a great library to use. PyTube allows you to easily download videos from YouTube and other video sharing platforms.

Setting Up PyTube

Before you can start building your basic interface, you’ll need to install PyTube. You can do this using pip, the Python package installer. Simply open your command prompt or terminal and type:

pip install pytube

Building the Basic Interface

Once PyTube is installed, you can start building your basic interface. You can use HTML to create a simple form where users can enter the URL of the video they want to download. Here’s an example of what the HTML code for the form might look like:

<form action="" method="post">
    <label for="url">Video URL:</label>
    <input type="text" id="url" name="url">
    <input type="submit" value="Download">

Creating the Download Script

Once you have your form, you’ll need to create a Python script to handle the video download. Here’s an example of what the Python code might look like:

from pytube import YouTube

def download_video(url):
    yt = YouTube(url)
    video = yt.streams.get_highest_resolution()'downloads')

In this example, we’re using PyTube to create a YouTube object from the URL entered by the user. We then use the get_highest_resolution() method to get the highest resolution version of the video, and the download() method to save the video to the ‘downloads’ folder.

Connecting the Form to the Script

Finally, you’ll need to connect the form to the Python script. You can do this by creating a separate file called ‘’ that contains the Python code, and setting the form’s action attribute to point to this file:

<form action="" method="post">


With PyTube and a bit of HTML and Python code, you can create a basic interface for a video downloader. Users can simply enter the URL of the video they want to download, and your script will take care of the rest. With some additional CSS and JavaScript, you can further enhance the user experience and create a more robust and user-friendly interface.