
Become a ReactJS Master in Just 7 Hours with 10 Real-World Projects – 2023 Edition

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Are you looking to master ReactJS and build real-world projects in just 7 hours? Look no further! In this tutorial, we will guide you through how to achieve this by completing 10 real-world projects using ReactJS in 2023.

ReactJS is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, developed by Facebook. It is one of the most popular libraries for frontend web development due to its flexibility, ease of use, and high performance. By mastering ReactJS, you will be able to build dynamic and interactive web applications quickly and efficiently.

To get started, you will need to have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. If you are new to ReactJS, we recommend checking out some introductory tutorials to familiarize yourself with the basics before diving into this course.

Now, let’s get started with our 7-hour journey to mastering ReactJS with 10 real-world projects!

Project 1: Hello World
We will start with a simple “Hello World” project to get familiar with setting up a ReactJS project and rendering a basic component on the screen. By the end of this project, you will understand the basic syntax of ReactJS and how to create a simple component.

Project 2: Todo List App
In this project, we will build a Todo List app where users can add, delete, and mark tasks as completed. This project will introduce you to the concept of state management in ReactJS and how to update the UI based on user interactions.

Project 3: Weather App
Next, we will create a Weather App that fetches weather data from an API and displays it to the user. This project will teach you how to make API calls in ReactJS and handle asynchronous data fetching.

Project 4: Shopping Cart
In this project, we will build a Shopping Cart app where users can add products to their cart and view their total price. This project will focus on managing state across multiple components and updating the UI based on user interactions.

Project 5: Movie Search
For our fifth project, we will create a Movie Search app that allows users to search for movies by title and view details about each movie. This project will demonstrate how to handle form submissions and filter data based on user input.

Project 6: Recipe Finder
Next, we will build a Recipe Finder app that fetches recipes from an API and allows users to search for recipes by ingredients. This project will further reinforce your understanding of making API calls and displaying dynamic data.

Project 7: Portfolio Website
In this project, we will create a Portfolio Website using ReactJS to showcase your skills and projects. This project will involve creating multiple components and routing between different pages to create a professional-looking website.

Project 8: E-commerce Store
For our eighth project, we will build an E-commerce Store that displays products, allows users to add items to their cart, and checkout. This project will focus on managing complex state and handling user authentication.

Project 9: Blogging Platform
Next, we will create a Blogging Platform where users can create, edit, and delete blog posts. This project will introduce you to the concept of CRUD operations in ReactJS and how to manage data in a real-world application.

Project 10: Social Media App
For our final project, we will build a Social Media App where users can create profiles, post updates, and interact with other users. This project will bring together all the skills you have learned throughout the course and challenge you to build a complex application from scratch.

By completing these 10 real-world projects in 7 hours, you will have mastered ReactJS and gained valuable experience in building web applications. We hope this tutorial has helped you on your journey to becoming a ReactJS expert in 2023!

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13 days ago


00:00 – Intro

00:18 – What Is React

03:47 – Course Requirements

05:05 – Installation

12:44 – React Structure

23:45 – Components

32:46 – JSX

37:44 – JSX Rules

45:46 – Multiple Components

50:36 – React Fragments

53:56 – Expressions In JSX

1:01:08 – Lists

1:08:47 – Props

1:18:40 – Props Children

1:20:52 – Conditional Rendering

1:31:11 – 5 Ways To Style Components

1:48:00 – React Icons

1:49:20 – Events

1:59:41 – State

2:11:15 – Updating String Values In State

2:13:02 – Updating Arrays Values In State

2:20:01 – Updating Object Values In State

2:23:57 – Updating Arrays Of Objects In State

2:27:31 – Forms In React

2:32:50 – useEffect Hook

2:44:23 – Prop Drilling

2:50:51 – Context API

3:00:35 – useContext Hook

3:03:03 – useReducer Hook

3:10:56 – useRef Hook

3:15:04 – Custom Hooks

3:21:06 – Counter Project

3:28:36 – Todo List Project

3:42:25 – Meal API Project

3:54:11 – Calculator Project

4:08:52 – Toggle Color Project

4:20:01 – Hidden Search Project

4:27:40 – Testimonials Project

4:37:15 – Accordions Project

4:46:53 – Basic Form Validation

5:07:59 – E-Commerce Advance Filtering Project

6:57:29 – Outro

13 days ago

Taylor Elizabeth Young Matthew Hall Brenda

13 days ago

Thanks so much for all your time and effort HuXn – I learned a lot
Just if anyone watching – for the To Do project – if the .concat bit confused you – you could also do this:
setTodoArray((prevArray) => […prevArray, { text: input, id: nanoid() }]);
– so spread the old Array into the new Array and add the input
– and nanoid() will give you very unique id's so they will not repeat
– just remember to install it: npm install nanoid & import it into your Component:
import {nanoid} from "nanoid"

13 days ago

Day 9: 01:31:40

13 days ago

Thank you sir ❤❤❤❤

13 days ago

Nice work! I cant find Javascript and the other playlist for prep React. Can you share a link

13 days ago

I'm 50 minutes in and already tried to like the video third time.. very very nice!

13 days ago

Bro is the cool guy 🤌

13 days ago

where is your Playlist?? Things to know in javascript before learning react js

13 days ago

Sorry HuXn Bro there's only one like button.

13 days ago

why react more harder then JS

13 days ago

ai is doing everything very well

13 days ago

bro what about ai

13 days ago

thank u for the great video.. love u~

13 days ago

Can you make an angular.js course because you are very good at teaching web and i didn't understand angular at any body.

13 days ago

Excellent tutorial for beginners

13 days ago


13 days ago

Which VsCode theme u use ?

13 days ago

thanks man!

13 days ago

This is just so good 👍

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