
Begin Your Journey with GitHub Copilot: Embrace the Future of Coding

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Get Started with the Future of Coding: GitHub Copilot

Welcome to the Future of Coding

If you’re a software developer or programmer, you’re probably always on the lookout for tools and technology that can make your job easier. That’s where GitHub Copilot comes in. This innovative new coding assistant is revolutionizing the way developers write code and is poised to become an essential tool for anyone working in the software development industry.

What is GitHub Copilot?

GitHub Copilot is an AI-powered code completion tool built by GitHub in collaboration with OpenAI. It is designed to help developers write code faster and more efficiently by providing intelligent code suggestions based on the context of the code you’re working on. In essence, GitHub Copilot acts as a helpful assistant, offering suggestions for entire lines of code, function definitions, and more, making it easier to write and understand complex code.

How Does It Work?

GitHub Copilot uses machine learning models trained on a vast amount of open-source code to generate its code suggestions. It can understand and interpret the context of the code you’re writing, allowing it to provide accurate and relevant suggestions. As you type, GitHub Copilot will offer suggestions in real-time, making it easy to incorporate its suggestions into your code seamlessly.

Getting Started

If you’re eager to give GitHub Copilot a try, it’s easy to get started. All you need to do is install the GitHub Copilot extension for Visual Studio Code, and you’ll be ready to start using this powerful coding assistant. Once installed, GitHub Copilot will automatically start providing suggestions as you write your code, helping you work more efficiently and effectively.


GitHub Copilot represents the future of coding, offering a powerful tool that can significantly improve the way developers write code. With its AI-powered code suggestions and intuitive interface, GitHub Copilot is sure to become an essential part of the developer toolkit. So, if you want to stay ahead of the curve and make your coding experience more productive, now is the time to get started with GitHub Copilot.

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6 months ago

this video is amazing, thank you for sharing your knowledge

6 months ago

Why GitHub change my sponcer without my permission

6 months ago

Is copilot free?

6 months ago

Its trash. I could have just googled any of this.

6 months ago

This was great! Thank you so much!

6 months ago

Can i build or edit Splunk codes for use cases tuning ?

6 months ago

It’s no longer about being ‘smart’ the age of creativity is here

6 months ago

Thanks for making this video series. Very helpful. … one silly question,
Is it OK for you to wear a Microsoft T Shirt and use a Mac laptop?

6 months ago

Does copilot support evm assembly?

6 months ago

Is this extension is free

6 months ago

Describe to the audience how Copilot works: 1 take
Invite the audience to subscribe: ♾takes

great video!

6 months ago

The feeling I've got when using the Copilot is like pair coding with a child – more often then not it was incorrect in guessing which code I'm trying to write.
I've found ChatGPT more usable for generating code (i.e. generating a unit tests for existing code). It's a there's no official ChatGPT plugin for VS Code …

6 months ago

It's really annoying how they always change app interfaces every few months, so a lot of times it's hard to find what you're looking for by trying to follow the tutorial. In this case, MVS looks drastically different today, then in this tutorial :/

6 months ago

Great video.. Love the blooper real! 🤣

6 months ago

Really exciting, but unfortunately they showed this in VS Code for a reason. The full Visual Studio IDE has very limited support with the Copilot extension… No copilot assistant and even very basic functions like "q: What does SOLID stand for in OO programming?" give no suggestions. It's great if I'm in VS Code doing Flutter dev, but when I'm doing .NET dev in VS I'm left wanting.

6 months ago

It kinda takes the fun out of programming, it’s definitely useful as a tool but I get my kicks out of writing the actual code rather than writing prompts

6 months ago

This was a great intro, thank you! Excellent blooper reel 😂

6 months ago


6 months ago

Bro it's not free 😂

6 months ago

Prompt: give me a comment to post in YouTube so i get likes.

Answer: …