Beginner’s Guide: Installing PyTorch 2+ on Apple M1 Device

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PyTorch is a popular open-source machine learning library developed by Facebook’s AI Research lab. It provides a flexible and powerful platform for building deep learning models. In this tutorial, I will guide you through the process of installing PyTorch 2+ on various platforms, including the Apple M1.

Step 1: Check System Requirements
Before installing PyTorch, it is essential to check the system requirements for your specific platform. PyTorch supports various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. Additionally, PyTorch provides support for both CPU and GPU acceleration. Make sure your system meets the minimum requirements for installation.

Step 2: Install Python
PyTorch is a Python-based library, so you will need to have Python installed on your system. You can download the latest version of Python from the official Python website. Make sure to install Python 3.6 or higher as PyTorch does not support Python 2.x versions.

Step 3: Install PyTorch
There are several ways to install PyTorch, depending on your platform and requirements. The recommended way is to use pip, the Python package manager. You can install PyTorch and its dependencies by running the following command:

pip install torch torchvision torchaudio

This command will install the latest stable release of PyTorch along with torchvision and torchaudio, which are PyTorch’s libraries for computer vision and audio processing, respectively.

Step 4: Verify Installation
Once the installation is complete, you can verify that PyTorch has been installed correctly by importing it in a Python script or interactive session. Open a Python interpreter and run the following commands:

import torch

If the installation was successful, you should see the version number of PyTorch printed on the screen.

Step 5: Installing PyTorch on Apple M1
If you are using an Apple M1 chip, you may encounter some compatibility issues with the standard installation method described above. In that case, you can install PyTorch using the following command to ensure compatibility with the Apple M1 architecture:

pip install torch torchvision torchaudio -f

This command will download and install the PyTorch package optimized for the Apple M1 architecture. Make sure to use this command specifically for Apple M1 devices to avoid any compatibility issues.

Step 6: Verify Installation on Apple M1
After installing PyTorch on your Apple M1 device, you can verify the installation by importing PyTorch in a Python script or interactive session as described in Step 4. If the installation is successful, you should see the version number of PyTorch printed on the screen.

In conclusion, PyTorch is a powerful library for building deep learning models, and installing it is relatively straightforward. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can install PyTorch on various platforms, including the Apple M1, and start building your machine learning projects. I hope this tutorial was helpful, and you are now ready to dive into the world of deep learning with PyTorch!

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3 days ago

at :53 how did you open that tab like what did you click to how the black box lol

3 days ago

Thanks a lot for this. Please do one for pytorch geometric for M1 Mac!

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