Beginner’s Guide to Angular: A 3-Hour Tutorial

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If you are completely new to Angular and looking to learn it from scratch, then this tutorial is perfect for you. In this 3-hour course, we will cover all the basics of Angular and help you become proficient in building web applications with this powerful framework.

What is Angular?

Angular is a popular front-end framework developed by Google for building dynamic web applications. It is based on TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript, and offers features like data binding, dependency injection, and component-based architecture.


Before we begin, make sure you have some basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Knowledge of TypeScript will be helpful, but it is not required. You will also need to have Node.js and npm installed on your machine.

Setting Up the Environment

To get started with Angular, you will need to install the Angular CLI (Command Line Interface). Open your terminal and run the following command:

npm install -g @angular/cli

This will install the Angular CLI globally on your machine.

Creating a New Angular Project

Once the Angular CLI is installed, you can create a new Angular project by running the following command:

ng new my-angular-app

Replace my-angular-app with the name of your project. This command will create a new Angular project inside a folder with the same name.

Running the Angular Application

To run your Angular application, navigate to the project folder and run the following command:

cd my-angular-app
ng serve --open

This will start the development server and open the application in your browser.

Understanding Angular Components

In Angular, components are the building blocks of your application. A component consists of three main parts: the template, the class, and the metadata. The template contains the HTML markup that defines the UI of the component, the class contains the logic and data for the component, and the metadata provides information about the component, such as its selector and styles.

Creating a new component

To create a new component in your Angular project, run the following command:

ng generate component my-component

Replace my-component with the name of your component. This command will generate a new folder for your component containing the template, class, and metadata files.

Binding Data

Angular provides different ways to bind data between the HTML template and the component class. The most common types of data binding are:

  • Interpolation: This is used to output data from the component class in the template. For example, {{ myData }} will display the value of myData in the template.

  • Property binding: This is used to bind properties of HTML elements to the component class. For example, [disabled]="isDisabled" will disable the HTML element if isDisabled is true.

  • Event binding: This is used to listen for events in the template and call methods in the component class. For example, (click)="handleClick()" will call the handleClick method when the element is clicked.

Services and Dependency Injection

In Angular, services are used to handle data and business logic that can be shared across different components. Dependency injection is a design pattern used to inject services into components or other services.

To create a new service in your Angular project, run the following command:

ng generate service my-service

Replace my-service with the name of your service. This command will generate a new service file that you can use to define your data and logic.


Angular provides a powerful routing system that allows you to navigate between different views or pages in your application. To set up routing in your Angular project, you can use the Angular Router module.

To add routing to your Angular project, run the following command:

ng generate module app-routing --flat --module=app

This command will generate a new routing module that you can use to define routes for your application.


In this tutorial, we covered the basics of Angular and walked you through setting up a new Angular project, creating components, data binding, services, dependency injection, and routing. This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to learning Angular, but it should give you a solid foundation to build upon. Happy coding!

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1 day ago

Join the Micro Services course waiting list and get and get an exclusive EARLY-BIRD discount

1 day ago

Thank you so much Mr Bouali, it was great again. But if I understand the course reviewing Angular 16, since Angular 18 are some not essential changes who must be applied to Your source code to make it working. So, any way it was good way to learn Angular framework.

1 day ago

thank you very much

1 day ago

Danke schön für diese gute Erklärung und die Kanale

1 day ago

Man you are a legend. Hat's off

1 day ago

very nice course

1 day ago


1 day ago

hey it will be useful if u reply i cant find any app modules and someother minor things as in ur video plus main.ts is also different from urs please tell me why

1 day ago

Hi sir. How to handle cors issue in Angular?

1 day ago

What extenstion are you using to autocomplete the angular code for instance 2:40:40 you you code automatically change the Observeable<object> to <any>?

1 day ago

should i check in the server side rendering for this crash course ?
I think its new and not covered in this video

1 day ago

1. July 24th 2024 : I was here on . ✅
2. July 25th 2024 : Completed 1st Exercise ✅✅
3. July 30th 2024 : Services & Injection ✅✅✅
4. August 1st 2024 : Api Calling, Router 🔗 & Completed ✅✅✅✅

1 day ago

can please , do video about ANGULR for big projects ( archectec , Caching , …)

1 day ago

It's really great tutorial for beginner and who trying to learn from Java background like me. as the way you compared spring and angular its really helped to understand the concept & helped to relate easily. But the only challenge is to understand the SYNTAX. If Possible pls make a shorts/video how to relate the JAVA vs TS syntaxes. Once again thanks for sharing your knowledge with us.

1 day ago

Seems to be missing the imports on a few components. For example, I had to import RouterLink into the menu component which was not mentioned in the video.

1 day ago

This is the best angular course on YouTube. No fluffs, just straight to the point. Thank you so much Mr Bouali

1 day ago

Master class

1 day ago

Best Angular scratch course ever! Thank you so much!

1 day ago

this is a valuable course, thank you

1 day ago

Would you recommend this video if I don't have any knowledge in TypeScript? (I have a strong understanding of Java, so I know programming fundamentals)

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