
Beginners Guide to Directus and Docker Integration

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Getting Started with Directus and Docker

Getting Started with Directus and Docker

Directus is an open-source headless CMS that provides a user-friendly interface for managing content and a flexible API for delivering that content to any frontend or application. Docker is a platform for developing, shipping, and running applications using containerization. Combining Directus with Docker allows for easy deployment and scaling of your Directus installations. In this article, we’ll go over the basics of getting started with Directus and Docker.

Step 1: Install Docker

If you haven’t already installed Docker on your machine, you can download and install it from the official Docker website. Follow the instructions for your specific operating system to get Docker up and running.

Step 2: Set up a Directus Project

Once Docker is installed, you can create a new directory for your Directus project and navigate to it in your terminal. Use the following command to initialize a new Directus project:

docker run -d --name directus -p 8080:8055 directus/directus

This command will pull the latest Directus image from Docker Hub and start a new container with Directus running on port 8080. You can access the Directus interface by visiting http://localhost:8080 in your web browser. The default username and password are admin@example.com and admin respectively.

Step 3: Customize Directus Configuration

Now that you have a running instance of Directus, you can customize its configuration to fit your specific needs. You can modify the Directus configuration files directly, or you can use environment variables to override specific settings. For example, you can use the following environment variables to set up a custom database connection:

docker run -d --name directus -p 8080:8055 -e DB_CLIENT=mysql -e DB_HOST=your-host -e DB_NAME=your-db -e DB_USER=your-user -e DB_PASS=your-password directus/directus

Step 4: Scale and Deploy

Once you have your Directus project set up and configured the way you want, you can easily scale and deploy it using Docker. You can create a Docker Compose file to define your Directus services and their configurations, and then use Docker Compose to start and manage your Directus containers. This makes it easy to run multiple instances of Directus, as well as any additional services your project may require, such as databases or caching layers.

With Directus and Docker, you have a powerful and flexible solution for managing and deploying your content management system. By following these steps and familiarizing yourself with the capabilities of both Directus and Docker, you can quickly get up and running with a scalable and customizable content management solution.

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6 months ago

I'm not understanding why I have to install Directus locally on a machine to create a project and THEN deploy it to a server. Most applications are installed on the server directly and then a project is created. Are there any instructions on how to set up Directus directly on an Ubuntu server with a subdomain and then log in to create a project?

6 months ago

I want to use microsoft sql server as my databases, how can implement this?

6 months ago

Do we need to have any database like postgresql already installed in our system? Before running directus locally or does docker manage that?

6 months ago

I set SENDGRID_API_KEY = "API_KEY" in env variable of Docker file, When try to send email the Event Hook call but send_email throw error with msg " EPIPE error". What possibly wrong here?

6 months ago

What are KEY and SECRET ? Is it unique for everybody or ?

6 months ago

Can you please explain it for people they never used docker before on windows?

6 months ago

This is what happens when I try your instructions. It happens with an existing or a brand new blank database.

sudo docker compose up
[+] Running 1/0
✔ Container directus-directus-1 Recreated 0.0s
Attaching to directus-directus-1
directus-directus-1 | [Error: create table `directus_collections` (`collection` varchar(64) not null, `icon` varchar(30), `note` text, `display_template` varchar(255), `hidden` boolean not null default '0', `singleton` boolean not null default '0', `translations` json, `archive_field` varchar(64), `archive_app_filter` boolean not null default '1', `archive_value` varchar(255), `unarchive_value` varchar(255), `sort_field` varchar(64), primary key (`collection`)) – SQLITE_READONLY: attempt to write a readonly database] {
directus-directus-1 | errno: 8,
directus-directus-1 | code: 'SQLITE_READONLY'
directus-directus-1 | }
directus-directus-1 | [15:04:39.744] INFO: Initializing bootstrap…
directus-directus-1 | [15:04:39.780] INFO: Installing Directus system tables…
directus-directus-1 exited with code 1

6 months ago

Please make video how to do local development (like creating layout) using docker and publish it to server

6 months ago

Please make a video on how to do this on DigitalOcean for example. Thanks!

6 months ago

Thank you!

6 months ago

Keep these kinds of videos coming, great additions to your docs.

6 months ago

Please make video how to install third party npm packet to docker directus