Beginner’s Guide to Django

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Getting Started with Django

Getting Started with Django

Django is a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. It is free and open source, and it follows the model-view-template (MVT) pattern, which is similar to the model-view-controller (MVC) pattern used in other web frameworks.


Before you can start using Django, you need to install it on your computer. You can do this using the following command:

pip install django

Creating a Project

To create a new Django project, run the following command in your terminal:

django-admin startproject myproject

This will create a new directory called myproject with all the necessary files and folders to start your project.

Running the Development Server

Once you have created your project, you can start the development server by running the following command:

cd myproject
  python runserver

This will start the development server on

Creating an App

Next, you can create a new app within your project by running the following command:

python startapp myapp

This will create a new directory called myapp within your project.

Defining Models

In Django, models are used to define the structure of your database tables. You can define your models in the file within your app directory.

Creating Views

In Django, views are Python functions that take a web request and return a web response. You can define your views in the file within your app directory.

Setting Up URLs

To map URLs to views in Django, you need to define URL patterns in the file within your app directory, as well as in the file within your project directory.

These are just some of the basics of getting started with Django. There is much more to learn, but this should give you a solid foundation to start building web applications with Django.