Beginner’s Guide to Testing GUI Applications: Understanding What to Test and How to Test It

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Testing GUI Apps

Testing GUI Apps – What to test? How to test it?

GUI (Graphical User Interface) apps are essential for providing users with an intuitive and user-friendly experience. However, testing these apps can be challenging due to the complexity of the user interface and the multiple ways users can interact with it.

What to test?

When testing GUI apps, it is important to focus on the following aspects:

  • Functionality: Test that all features and functionalities of the app work as expected.
  • Usability: Test the ease of use and user-friendliness of the app.
  • Compatibility: Test the app on different devices and browsers to ensure compatibility.
  • Performance: Test the app’s performance under different conditions, such as heavy load or slow internet connection.

How to test it?

There are several methods for testing GUI apps, including manual testing and automated testing. Manual testing involves testers interacting with the app and checking for any defects or issues. Automated testing, on the other hand, involves using testing tools to automate the testing process.

Manual Testing

Manual testing is a common method for testing GUI apps. Testers can perform the following tests:

  • Functionality testing: Test the app’s features and functionalities to ensure they work as expected.
  • Usability testing: Test the app’s user-friendliness and ease of use.
  • Compatibility testing: Test the app on different devices and browsers to ensure compatibility.
  • Performance testing: Test the app’s performance under different conditions.

Automated Testing

Automated testing is a more efficient and reliable method for testing GUI apps. Testers can use testing tools such as Selenium or Appium to automate the testing process. Here is a simple example of automated testing using Selenium:

from selenium import webdriver

# Open the browser
driver = webdriver.Chrome()

# Navigate to the app URL

# Find an element on the page
element = driver.find_element_by_id('element_id')

# Perform an action on the element

# Close the browser

By using automated testing tools, testers can run tests quickly and efficiently, reducing the time and effort required for testing.

Mini Coding Course for Beginners

If you are new to coding and testing, here is a mini coding course to get you started:

  1. Learn the basics of programming languages such as Python or Java.
  2. Understand the fundamentals of testing, including manual and automated testing.
  3. Practice writing simple test cases for GUI apps using testing tools like Selenium.
  4. Explore more advanced testing techniques and tools to improve your testing skills.

With these basic coding skills and testing knowledge, you can start testing GUI apps with confidence and contribute to the quality and usability of the apps you test.

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1 month ago

To be honest I expected you would have used an automated testing software to make your tests interact directly with your application gui. Probably since this is a general video about testing is better like this, I don't know of you or your followers are interested and if they knows about this kind of software, by the way I'm using for my kivy/kivymd application this combination to have pretty good automated tests:
– telenium : application that is able to interact with kivy gui using xpath to select widgets
– pytest : a test suite for python
– pytest-bdd : which is a plugin for pytest that implements bdd and permits you to use gherkin language to define your tests step and bind python methods to your gherkin steps.
I hope this information could be useful.

1 month ago

Thank you so much for this tutorial honestly. You're such a lifesaver!

1 month ago

The cat was comic relief. I love it!

1 month ago

“Pie-thag-re-um” i got you 🤓

1 month ago

Why are you too beautiful ? 😁

1 month ago

`libGL error: MESA-LOADER` solved with `conda install -c conda-forge libstdcxx-ng`

1 month ago

I have a Python code that use Tkinter to make a GUI. This code edit images. Now, I'm developing my webpage with Django, and I want to run the GUI code in my page. I hoped I could sove it with PYSCRIPT, but it's not compatible. I'm in a dead end. Can someone give me an advice?

1 month ago

Code mother,can you create a video on hacking

1 month ago

please post your content regularly

1 month ago

i want ur help
i am working on my own project using python and tkinter

my app just passes simple jsx scripts to photoshop and control photoshop very well
i want ur help in
as i created my app and i have a body,canvas,scrollbars,imagethumnails(CTkLabels)
i want that thumbnails to be dragabel as we can do in a explorer just drag file to photoshop to open it i want same dragging for my software

when i drag the thumbnail to photoshop it will open that image to photoshop as we do that in normall app

it will be a awsome help if someone help me or know how to acheive this goal please tell me

i already googled it very much but found nothing helpfull

Please Mariya i am requesting help from u with greate hopes and
w8ing ur reply please help me i am stucked here nothing found on internet

i watch ur videos regularly and learn alots but this type of topics are not covered by anyone

i know u must have a bsy shedule but it will be life saver for me if you could sout it out

thanks in advance
please give ur 5mins to my question please

1 month ago

hello teacher can i text you on Email ?

1 month ago

Was is live? I missed it?

1 month ago

Focus on video content ❌
Focuse on The pitch of your voice ✅

1 month ago

Hi can you help make a program which tracks drones using webcam of pc in python

1 month ago

oh trem bunito essa muié… e ainda é programadora e inteligente!

1 month ago

Great video 👏👏👏 testing is mandatory 💪

1 month ago

Давай поженимся!?😊

1 month ago

You are a really good teacher.

1 month ago

Hey Mariya, love from India. Can you please make a tutorial of making a 3d realistic game in python?

1 month ago

Was rather hoping it would be testing for QT (either PyQT or PySide)