Beginner’s Tutorial: Creating a Modern Tkinter GUI Chatbot with ChatGPT App

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Tkinter ChatGPT App – Modern Tkinter GUI Chatbot

Tkinter ChatGPT App – Modern Tkinter GUI Chatbot

If you’re a beginner looking to build a modern Tkinter GUI chatbot, then you’re in the right place. In this tutorial, we’ll walk through the process of creating a Tkinter ChatGPT app using the ChatGPT API and the Tkinter library in Python.

Getting Started

First, make sure you have Python installed on your computer. If not, you can download and install it from the official Python website.

Installing Libraries

Next, you’ll need to install the ChatGPT library and Tkinter. You can do this using the following pip commands:

      pip install chatgpt
      pip install tk

Creating the Tkinter ChatGPT App

Once you have the necessary libraries installed, you can start building your Tkinter ChatGPT app. Below is a sample code to get you started:

      import tkinter as tk
      from chatgpt import GPT, Example

      window = tk.Tk()
      window.title("Tkinter ChatGPT App")

      chat_history = tk.Text(window)

      input_field = tk.Entry(window)

      chatbot = GPT()

      def send_message():
          message = input_field.get()
          chat_history.insert(tk.END, "You: " + message + "n")
          response = chatbot.get_response(message)
          chat_history.insert(tk.END, "ChatGPT: " + str(response) + "n")
          input_field.delete(0, tk.END)

      send_button = tk.Button(window, text="Send", command=send_message)


This code creates a basic Tkinter window with a text area for the chat history, an input field for the user to type messages, and a button to send messages to the ChatGPT API. The `chatgpt` library is used to interact with the ChatGPT API and generate responses to user messages.


With this simple example, you can start building your own Tkinter ChatGPT app and explore more advanced functionalities such as handling different user inputs, adding user authentication, and customizing the GUI design. Have fun experimenting with your new modern Tkinter GUI chatbot!

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6 months ago

There are a few places I still don't understand, could you please share your code with me?

6 months ago

Awesome. Watching your videos since last night and I am hooked. Very informative and simple to understand. 👍👍

6 months ago


6 months ago

Online banking system is medium!? holy shit!

6 months ago

Thank you, ❤❤

6 months ago

Sent u a mail. How do you make it not cut off words at the end, and starts on new line? Hard to read when it dosent make a new word on new line instead of cutting it of and keeps midword on new line ^^

6 months ago

Excellent tutorial…Thanks!

6 months ago

You are amazing!

6 months ago

It makes so much more sense when you show me the code and compare it to the picture. Thank you so much.

6 months ago

I have tried different models to run this like gpt3 turbo, babbage and even davinci-002 but still showing Rate limit error.. Exceeded current quota… Is any solution to this

6 months ago


6 months ago

Hala, amazing tutorial. I enhanced your gui by adding one more dropbox for language and added to chatgpt input prompt: "Provide the answer in "+language. Wonderful to get the answer in any language you want. This ChatGPT tool is so powerful that it is already scaring me:(

6 months ago

Excellent video. Thank you.

6 months ago

Is it just me or her voice is soo melodious 😐

6 months ago

Can you make the same for Ubuntu also?

6 months ago

You helped me a lot in learning new things. Thank you

6 months ago

super nice!!!

6 months ago


6 months ago
